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ZuluOne Podcast - 0001 - Family Constellation Therapy - Sophie Soudai | Spiritual Constellations • Past Lives • The Holocaust • Ancestral Healing

February 25, 2020 Zulu one Season 1 Episode 1
ZuluOne Podcast - 0001 - Family Constellation Therapy - Sophie Soudai | Spiritual Constellations • Past Lives • The Holocaust • Ancestral Healing
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ZuluOne Podcast
ZuluOne Podcast - 0001 - Family Constellation Therapy - Sophie Soudai | Spiritual Constellations • Past Lives • The Holocaust • Ancestral Healing
Feb 25, 2020 Season 1 Episode 1
Zulu one

Sohpie Soudai is a highly experienced Family Constallations Practitioner. In this episode we discuss topics like morphic resonance, unresolved trauma, past lives, systems dynamics, and much more! We invite you to come and explore all things revolving around systemic constellation work developed by Bert Hellinger. 

For booking info, please email: booking@zuluonepodcast.com 

Intro Song: Profound Beats - Lofi https://soundcloud.com/profoundbeats/profound-beats-lo-fi-free-download

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Show Notes Transcript

Sohpie Soudai is a highly experienced Family Constallations Practitioner. In this episode we discuss topics like morphic resonance, unresolved trauma, past lives, systems dynamics, and much more! We invite you to come and explore all things revolving around systemic constellation work developed by Bert Hellinger. 

For booking info, please email: booking@zuluonepodcast.com 

Intro Song: Profound Beats - Lofi https://soundcloud.com/profoundbeats/profound-beats-lo-fi-free-download

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spk_1:   0:04
way. Welcome to Zuma. One podcast today, our guest is a holistic practitioner, a wellness organizational family consolation facilitator and my good friend Sophie. Suit. So Good morning. Good morning. I've

spk_0:   0:25
been I've been really good. Um, yeah, I've been, um, practicing systemic work. Okay, Um, watching the new Siri's without Pacino on,

spk_1:   0:36
uh, the hunters.

spk_0:   0:37
I'm already on Episode seven.

spk_1:   0:39
I watched the first episode,

spk_0:   0:41
so I'm I'm a little tired this morning because I was up until four o'clock.

spk_1:   0:45
Oh, my God. Stop watching. That's a good show. I saw the first episode, and I was kind of blown away,

spk_0:   0:52
but it gets it goes up really even more. And so there's like, certain parts of that are reminiscent of my own family.

spk_1:   1:05
Okay, well, I'm gonna own imagine.

spk_0:   1:06
So it kind of like it stirs things up. And, you know, um, some people liken visualize things. They only have to be told. Okay, Like part of, like, part of being an impact is that you just you kind of visualize the situation, and then it's hard to get it out of your head. So there there's a couple of the stories that, uh, we're floating around all day yesterday and I had to practice that retraining your mind of Think of this. So shift your brain, shift your mind, shift your mind, She thought I I won't tell you is, but it's not. It's not. They say it's fiction.

spk_1:   1:53
They say it's based on truth. What I what I heard about it was that it was based on truth to events. It

spk_0:   1:58
is absolutely based on two events. Because because what they said is that when they tried to get the scientists and the doctors not to go to Russia, they brought them here.

spk_1:   2:08
Oh, yeah, yeah. Operation Paperclip. It's work,

spk_0:   2:11
But there is something I heard about this is many, many years ago, but, um, because it wasn't a Simon Wiesenthal's found, you know, he it's really based on him. Okay, um, and he was the Nazi hunter until he died. Like he's got stories.

spk_1:   2:28
Well, the guy that start I can't remember is what's his name? John. Um, the scientist, the German scientists. That was the head of NASA. Yeah. Boy von Braun. Von Braun was the head of, um It was the head of the space program at NASA, NASA, and he was a Nazi. I mean, that's just that's reality, right? That's history. And he was. It was called Operation Paperclip, where Americans like the American government brought in high ranking Nazi officials or scientists important to the states to run some programs like, isn't that I mean, that's wild?

spk_0:   3:12
Yeah. And then and then one of the things that he said in, um um, So one of the I forgot his name Tom Seltzer, right. He was He was running for president, but he dropped out of the race and millionaire

spk_1:   3:26
So, sir, No Tom story

spk_0:   3:28
story. So his father was one of the prosecutors at Nuremberg. Really? He said that he was on e. I think it was, um, he was doing an interview with Katie Couric. Or or one of those? Um, no, it was, um, Amanpour on san,

spk_1:   3:51
you know, Christine

spk_0:   3:52
on. And he was doing a an interview with her on CNN. I think it was BBC or remember, but he mentioned that because I didn't really know him, and I wanted to hear what he had to say about himself. And, um, he was, like, why he became a civil servant and why he felt that was really important for him to served this country. And then he said, because his father, um, I was very young, and I think it was his first. His father was a lawyer, and it was his first. Um um, time to litigate. Okay? And he was, like, second chair of third chair Nurnberg. He was like, Wow, but in Nuremberg, they only process, um, actually found guilty alone. 11 or 12.

spk_1:   4:47
Really? Yeah. Wow. Of the of

spk_0:   4:50
the eight million.

spk_1:   4:51
Yeah, Yeah. Whatever. Yeah. Oh, my God.

spk_0:   4:55
And then when we were when we were living in Israel, we went back to Israel in, uh, 86. That was when, um, the trial of, um, he was in Chicago. And the man yuk they brought him from the U S. They took him back to Israel. Um, and he was one of the sadistic guards

spk_1:   5:22
Is that the guy that they found living in Chicago was late in his age and they found him. Oh, wow.

spk_0:   5:29
Most of them were laid in their age, and they found him, but yeah. Wow. So So it's like this balance right off, um, in a systemic world, right? Like, Okay, So your system is, it is affected by this system, but the bigger world system. So you have this world war. And so there's that dance between justice. Yeah, and the need to save yourself. Because in those those were the fifties, right? The communist years there was that frenzy

spk_1:   6:04
about Tommy, the market. McCarthy.

spk_0:   6:07
Yeah. So everybody was gonna be a comedy. So if they didn't come to us, they would go to the Russia. But then we treated them like celebrities, and one of the lines in the show was, Well, if we went to Russia, they said, if we don't go, they'll kill us. But in the United States, you invited us in to have this life off, you know, luxury on. And you're like, Wow. Yeah, right. And then it's like, how much Then you watch the manipulation and you asked, like, how much we know right, how much we're really manipulated by this systems that we are in.

spk_1:   6:53
Um, let me their self perpetuating right. That's the whole point.

spk_0:   6:57
Yes and no. Right

spk_1:   6:58
there. Self preserving, I guess.

spk_0:   7:00
Right. But there there's there's like it's a con. It's It's kind of like the tides in the ocean. So there's a constant movement. And you're constantly saying yes and no. Yes, I'll dance. No, I won't. Damn. Yeah. So, like, you know, the system, the political system. Right? So the political system is saying in just this, you know, wealthy all this stuff, and then, uh, and then the other side. So you've got Bernie said you have burning against Trump. Well, that's, like two different sides of the system.

spk_1:   7:34
Yeah, of course they're both. And just how you look at it, 30,000 foot view is it is the victim and the perpetrator. That's the dynamics that they both represent.

spk_0:   7:46
Exactly. But but burning is both the victim and the perpetrator. And Trump is both.

spk_1:   7:55
Of course they always are. You all

spk_0:   7:56
right? So there's that dance again. So when we choose to buy into the propaganda when we choose not to So where are we in our own system? Give you take it back just to you?

spk_1:   8:12
Yeah. You

spk_0:   8:13
take yourself out of

spk_1:   8:14
it and you

spk_0:   8:14
put yourself back just to you. Yeah. Yeah. And where am I not in balance with me?

spk_1:   8:21
Yeah, and that's the fundamental question for everybody, right? Where am I? Not in balance with me, right? And I've done that for kind of just almost my social media and take right. I've said I've started saying I'm gonna stop participating in the micro judgment, I guess ecosystem, right, Because that's what social you know, those algorithms that Facebook has says I'm gonna create, you know, I'm gonna just exponentially grow whatever you like or dislike, right? So I was listening to somebody and they were saying that somebody started liking puppies and they were just kind of hack that. I mean, is it not really hacking? But they would just trick the algorithm into thinking that all they liked his puppies and it just started feeding there. There they start loading their feed with puppies, right? And so if if you're if you have a tendency like everybody has, it ends rightto have, um, you know, to clutch their pearls about whatever thing it is, whether it's, you know, kids in war or if it's social justice or if it's trump or whatever it is, it's gonna bring in more of those things to say. Hey, participate Maur and act Maur engage Maurine, this self perpetuating kind of tunnel of, you know spiral of of disaster or whatever of engagement, right? Because that's at the end of the day what it is.

spk_0:   9:46
So I think from a systemic point of view, it's from the dance that we do with ourselves all the time. So if you're like whatever we're watching so we have so like, the Siri's that I'm watching. So I'm watching it now from a systemic point more than, you know, Maybe 10 years ago, I would have been, you know, with my emotions and my feelings really entangled in it, right? So now I keep going back and forth, And when you hear the stories which I can't get out of my head, I look at it and I say, Okay, so I have the chance to go into that hate again. Yeah, the one that I was brought up on, You know, um, not to, you know, not condoning the act. But just so this is in my in my in my view,

spk_1:   10:47
I that must be so difficult.

spk_0:   10:49
And then I have to look at it and say, OK, so from a systemic point of view, I'm reacting in the old way and I'm zoom out and see the big picture and then go back to um, looking at it from which is not an easy thing. It takes a long time to really understand yourself and and what's happening to go back and say, um in a great in A in a grateful way Because of this, I'm here

spk_1:   11:27
because of the Somme yell.

spk_0:   11:29
So if that hadn't happened, my parents might not have come to this country and I wouldn't be here living here. So how do you come to terms with both of those things?

spk_1:   11:42
Do you? Do you think that the insidious part of off judgment is that it makes you right? That's what I found is that it makes it so righteous, right? And in any obviously, Maur correct in, I mean not system in a non systemic way of thinking more correct than what happened during the Holocaust. For the Jewish community to say that I've been it's it's such a strong identification with the victim that you're saying I am right. I'm righteous in my hate right. It's just it just entangles you to such a degree into it. Obviously, I'm sitting here from, you know, sunny Fort Lauderdale very nice, comfortable, Sunny Sunday morning. And I don't have anybody in my lineage of exist does experience that type of atrocities, but it's it's self righteous in the the outrageous righteous.

spk_0:   12:41
So you take that into any system and you take it into the Native American system. You take it into the African American system, and there's that that Well, well, you can't get beyond that trauma, of course. So, um, in the Jewish tribe,

spk_1:   13:04
you know,

spk_0:   13:04
it's been eons of persecution. You okay? So when you go to, um, Native American, it was also eat it eons because indigenous have been persecuted, You know,

spk_1:   13:20
about each other like that.

spk_0:   13:23
Yeah, but But the Jewish tribe also would fight each other. It would be, I mean, like, if you go back to the time of the 12 tribes and King David, you know, it was, um, tribal.

spk_1:   13:35
Yeah, of course.

spk_0:   13:36
Until they would have conflicts and there would be skirmishes, but it wouldn't be blown all, you know, full blown wars against each other. But then there was because he had you had King Saul, who was trying to kill David before he became king.

spk_1:   13:51
Yeah. Here. Yeah. The Egyptians enslaved the generals like there's there's a But the

spk_0:   13:57
Egyptians enslaved a lot of

spk_1:   13:59
media, of course you and

spk_0:   14:00
then you had the Romans who believed a lot of exactly yeah, and then you had, like, where did? Where did stop.

spk_1:   14:08
It's always about the systems and the psychos of the victim and the perpetrator. Always, it seems you get yourself always

spk_0:   14:16
because it's a balance of light and dark.

spk_1:   14:19
So what do you think now that were Why is it getting resolved? Is my question. You know, like, Why is it now that we're starting? Because throughout history, we've been, you know, they're saying, you know, from what I've heard is that we're getting better, right? There's less. There's less genocide unless you know statistically across the world that we know of. But still, you know now that with a the kind of rise and social media, you see a lot of stuff. A lot of stuff is documented, but from what I understand is that we haven't had a great war since World War two, there's

spk_0:   15:00
Somalia, and what's been going on

spk_1:   15:03
is not even

spk_0:   15:05
more, but we don't know. We don't know. We don't know.

spk_1:   15:09
We don't know,

spk_0:   15:10
we don't know. I think we think that we have all of this access to social media and all of these things, but we don't because there's so many parts that are closed off.

spk_1:   15:24
I mean, in sheer numbers. There was 100 million Chinese that died during Well, that's the

spk_0:   15:29
look. You don't even know how many how many Chinese have died from this virus? Thousands, we think.

spk_1:   15:39
But if we were in the way we were in the millions, it would be there's like logistical crisis. Is that happen without just even disposing off? You know, like processing bodies that that we would like the systemic, I guess, like the scale of violence that we saw at the beginning of the 20th century, Thank God we haven't seen and we're not on that scale yet. And so from many accounts were the violence has gone from massive scales to not is about right. That's been last 50 years. Let's say the last 50 years in human history, when you put the large scale of human history in perspective, have been relatively peaceful. Obviously that's not. It's peaceful, and my question is, why?

spk_0:   16:28
So there's a theory, Dad um, if you look at in in a show, Monica wavering in Ah, um energetic way. Right. And you look at the flow of the soul and the soul reincarnated and comes back, right. So there's a thought of what if you are your own ancestor. Okay. Until you're coming in with that cellular knowledge okay of that perpetrator and victim. Okay, so you you feel it. So sometimes when you hear something on the news or you see something, you haven't a bodily reaction. Yeah. So it's kind of like, Is it reminding you of something or you feel

spk_1:   17:16
like an emotional attachment or entanglement? Oh, I

spk_0:   17:18
feel it in your body.

spk_1:   17:21
Is that what happens with you with hunters?

spk_0:   17:23
Um, I think it's both because, um, I know, like in my belief system, I know that I had a past life. Yeah, there. And I had a regression. And, um, I remember things like I had a, you know, memory. And it made sense. Um, and, um,

spk_1:   17:49
do you think I've always tried to him reconcile those two things, right? The past life thing and, um, almost like the more fuck residence side. Like, if there's the closest thing I've got to be able to got. The closest thing that I've got towards that is that you know, there's there's this data right that comes through through all people. That's where consciousness comes from and that has all the data from my ancestors. But so you believe that somebody is reincarnated based on that information?

spk_0:   18:25
So what I believe is is that your soul continues, right? But it's time is not linear. So past president future are happening at the same time in different places. So when you have a trigger that relates to another existence, you feel it in your body and and it's deep when you meet somebody.

spk_1:   18:45
Oh, yeah.

spk_0:   18:46
So So, um, your your soul is having different experiences. So sometimes you feel like you. You do If didn't like you lose a few minutes, you lose 15 minutes. You're like, Where did I go? Is that your shift back and forth or you have dreams, but they're real. They feel like the lucid dreaming. Okay, so, um, I believe that these existences were happening at the same time, but there, But they're not a past life, but that there another, um, existence. Okay, their experience

spk_1:   19:23
almost like a different dimension, right? Yeah.

spk_0:   19:25
And so you're going back and forth, but from a systemic point, your soul said when it was created at the beginning these air, the experiences that I wanna have and these air them and these air the places I want to be, and then you bring free will in there. And so you have the choice on in that existence. Always. So if we're taking that cellular memory and we've got the technology now and we have all of these other things that are enhancing the experience, then we can resonate more. Because we've been through so much is that we know what we don't want.

spk_1:   20:07
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So

spk_0:   20:09
then we're more open to saying we don't want to do that again.

spk_1:   20:13
So in theory, we're getting better, right? It's like we're healing. Revolving were evolving. Yeah, better

spk_0:   20:20
were evolving and extending. So we're coming in from vibrations at a level. And because matter right leg, aunt, is it, um were all matter somewhere vibrating? So this is matter, too. It's just vibrating at a more dense vibration or or cycle. So it's harder, but where softer and where Nico system onto ourselves. Our body, our mind, is an ecosystem. So you know the movies Men in black, right where they have the body and then the head opens up and there's

spk_1:   20:57
just really no eso.

spk_0:   21:00
This is a vehicle for us. This body is a vehicle right where the soul resides. And this experience, this is the vehicle.

spk_1:   21:11
The Abraham thing really, really blew my mind that it always takes me to that place right at the teachings of Abraham. It says, um, you know and pie for people I don't know is that, um, you know, people are listening. Those people are gonna be listening to this broadcast. So the from what I understand it and correct me if I'm wrong is that Abraham is. There's, there's the physical world and there's the non physical world that's infinitely intelligent and from and has no time, space restrictions. Right. And that speaks to that right. That says, there's there's the physical world and there's a non physical world. And there's, uh, there's a relationship between the two,

spk_0:   21:47
right? So Abraham is a is an energy. It's a group of It's a group of consciousness energy that's being channeled through? Um um

spk_1:   21:58
Esther Hicks. Yeah,

spk_0:   22:00
and it was be Prior was her husband who passed, and he's on the other side now, but e she channels that energy. And, um and and the core is is that you have a stake in your existence so you can change your environment like we have free will. So if we decide that we don't like what's happening, we could change it. But, see, we don't. Most of us don't feel that we have control over. Our lives are existent, so we kind of like become sorry. We walk on, I got a pipe. Something happens, way happens, we react, we react well, or we react not well, right. So if you look at that and you say you can change your thought process in your environment, that's what I was talking about in the beginning is how I look at the hunters now versus how I might have looked at them 20 years ago. Right? So I have the choice. So in my own environment, every 64 seconds, I can change my experience. So I'll give you Ah, perfect example. And they say

spk_1:   23:16
64 seconds.

spk_0:   23:17
64 2nd Yeah, So they say you live your life by the way, you drive. So if you pay attention to the way you drive, it has a direct connection to your life. Really? Yeah. So, Yikes, The day

spk_1:   23:31
I'm in trouble,

spk_0:   23:32
you wake up and you're happy and everything's fine. And you're driving and somebody cuts you off. You smile and you let them in. You maybe you'll say Here

spk_1:   23:46
the oh,

spk_0:   23:47
God, Just go. And you just let it go. And it doesn't affect the rest of your day. Yeah, but you wake up late. You didn't sleep well.

spk_1:   23:56
Oh, yeah?

spk_0:   23:57
Then you get on the road and the guy who cuts you off, it's like you how dare you. And even you might even get into the situation of road rage. What? You're gonna chase them so you can

spk_1:   24:08
like your hand.

spk_0:   24:11
That's the difference, right? It's like where you were in your consciousness at the time that you have the experience.

spk_1:   24:19
That makes a lot of sense.

spk_0:   24:20
So if you mindfully get into the car and say today, I choose to be in alignment.

spk_1:   24:28
Yeah, going flow,

spk_0:   24:30
right? Yeah. Then So you get upset, somebody comes in and you go today and all the days to come, which is how Abraham says it. I choose to be in alignment with myself and there's a bunch of different intentions and there's so many YouTube. So and I think it's really good just to experience it because it shows you that you have more. I wouldn't say control because we have no control

spk_1:   25:01
in my life,

spk_0:   25:03
but it actually gives you tools to help you be more in alignment on a regular basis. So if you breathe and then there's breathing techniques which are which are awesome, because when you breathe, you can slow down all of those chemical reactions that are happening. Your body. So you have a thought, right? So say you have, um and we all get messages,

spk_1:   25:29
but I just don't

spk_0:   25:30
understand that we're getting them right. So we get a message and then it comes in. Well, then we put it in our filter of our mind. And then there's a judgment attached to it. Is this my thought? Is it not my thought? What do I do with this? How do I go with this? I don't like this Thought I'd like this up then it creates a chemical reaction in our body. So we're gonna have, like, a fright or flight. We're gonna have endorphins or gonna have adrenaline cortisol. But there's a physical chemical

spk_1:   26:00
reaction to thought. Yeah, absolutely.

spk_0:   26:03
Well, that affects our brain, goes back, the thought comes in, then it goes back into the brain with the affected blood flow.

spk_1:   26:12
And then I'm not only that, it creates if you do, if that happens, often it creates patterns, and that's learned behavior, right?

spk_0:   26:19
And it also created illnesses in the body, and it also creates chemical physical ailment or blocks or or pains or whatever. So if you get the thought and you stay in that I don't like this start, So I'm gonna shift and retrain my brain, kind of like taking Pavlov's theory with the dogs right, but to a different level and say I'm gonna retrain my brain so I don't like that thought. I'm gonna shift it. I'm gonna like that thought. I'm gonna shift it. And then what you're doing is you're projecting an electromagnetic field around you. So when you shift the thought, you you know, if you're in that rage, you're gonna encounter more rage, because that's what you're trying. So people say the law of attraction doesn't work. It's an energetic field that you have to create, and you have to create a mo mentum and get into the vortex because it's not just, Oh, let me ask. You know, you can go and ask your boss for a raise, and he'll say yes or no. Depending on the approach

spk_1:   27:26
is what you give your intent to. So

spk_0:   27:28
you're energetic approaches the same how you would think about how approaching a person. So if you're getting things into your and it's not that simple and I'm oversimplifying it because they're people that are going to say, Oh, Abraham, it doesn't work and it's just too simple and we don't have that,

spk_1:   27:47
But it's true for them. If that's what their position is exactly, it's gonna be true for them anyways. So

spk_0:   27:53
why are we teaching mindfulness and why are we starting to teach Children? Because now, with technology, they're getting so bombarded that they don't have a downtime in their brain, so they don't know quiet time. Mindfulness is teaching quiet time. You have to quiet your brain. You have to turn off the devices, and you have to just sit with your brain and mindfulness in peace and quiet and go to a place where there's no thinking. Because if you don't, you never calm yourself to the point where you can actually be just, you

spk_1:   28:30
know, the I mean, going back to the religious side. I've always admired the Sabbath. You know, the same. Hey, we're going back to, you know, back to basics. We're gonna shut everything down, and we're just gonna be as a family. And that's I've always admired that one of my good friends is is is very religious, very orthodox. And, um, he just, you know, turns into a bunk in Friday night, and then he doesn't resurface until Saturday night, and he just kind of disconnect from everything is with his family, and I think it's a great practice,

spk_0:   29:02
but there are a lot of there are a lot of different practices that do that. And so, um, one of the people that I really admire who came out with this is Deepak Chopra

spk_1:   29:16
because it brought

spk_0:   29:17
out the understanding that you have defined piece because I think we've got so much going on and now especially like, you know, people. People can have a relationship, meet somebody on a dating site, go out and never meet them and not realize that they haven't met them and break up with them. And it's all on text.

spk_1:   29:40
Yeah, it is

spk_0:   29:42
not as rare as you think. It's more people are becoming more silo, you know, just like me,

spk_1:   29:50
and there's more disconnected.

spk_0:   29:52
So how do you connect?

spk_1:   29:55
I mean, I really do believe that in one way or another, social media has has amplified our tendencies right in our tendencies. If we're not aware of systemic, the systemic dynamics, this to cast judgment, right and you cast judgment and you're tied to that judgment the rigidity of that judgment forever, right, rather than it being having the opinion, the flexibility of oven opinion. So if you're casting micro judgments and everything, and that's what you know you hear about these dating abs is like swipe right swipe. It's like you're just almost throwing them away or or giving them green light to do what it just is such a You know, it's such a they're just these micro judgments that create these rigid structures around us and it's terrifying. I really, really, really terrifies me.

spk_0:   30:48
And when you go to a restaurant, what do you see? The kids have a pad or the phone. And when you were a kid, when your parents took you out to a restaurant, you said, Yeah, we had

spk_1:   30:57
four ran around and got on the table. Yeah, too many Shirley temples are, but But

spk_0:   31:01
we had a connection. So, um, in my family, and even though my kids are in their late thirties, we have when we all get together and go to dinner. No phones, no detail, your phones and, um and we talk. Yeah, you have to. You have to put that in the agenda. You've got to make the time for that because there's so much coming at our kids and Oz is that it's so easy to just sit there and go through your emails or swipe. But you have to designate the time, and the other part is get out into nature because nature also has a vibration. And then when you can see the smallest little bug,

spk_1:   31:51
yeah, and you have to be quiet to observe it. Yeah,

spk_0:   31:53
so I always as a kid and as an adult hated ticks. I thought they had no purpose at all. And except to bother me and make me league, take them off my dog or my counter Never saw any purpose to them. Then I started to see ibises and, um, and him inherent in my house, um, in my yard, and I Then I would see them on cows or in the fields with cows and horses. So I piss is eat ticks and they digest them through, and then they bring them out. And so they're cleaning, and then they become like fertilizer. Oh. Then I also found out just recently that possums ticks

spk_1:   32:48
date a lot of sex.

spk_0:   32:49
So it's like, Okay, so they are in the food court. Why just mosquitoes? And there are these birds in the Amazon that, um, thes, um, seeds and digest them and then put them out. And that's the way the trees grow. Because there's something that the bird has to.

spk_1:   33:12
They're all in balance with their position in the so

spk_0:   33:16
if you're looking at this bug as not worthy and that animal not worthy, but this one's worthy, Did you see Wow. Yeah. So, like if you look at it like there's something I tell people who have a very strong belief that there's only one way to heaven. So my answer to that is, if God created 20 million types of flowers

spk_1:   33:45
Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure

spk_0:   33:46
that there's more than one way to heaven?

spk_1:   33:48
Yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah, because it's

spk_0:   33:51
your perception. My perception perception, right? Yeah. Do you see it?

spk_1:   33:57
One of the things that have been most in a kind of thing that's happening with me a lot is that I grew up. Really. I grew up Catholic, right? So I grew up. I went to an all boys Catholics going those very rigid it was. If you're not a Catholic and was Opus Dei, it's like That's really super Catholic, right? And so it was this, you know,

spk_0:   34:17
this day from the movie

spk_1:   34:19
after movie. Exactly that. It was that order of Catholicism. It's like mega cock A. And so I went to an Opus Dei school unopened mail boy school. And so there was very rigid systems of belief, right? And I kind of and my mom, my mom was very open, religiously like the evangelical American, you know, rock star church What I call it, you know, like the power band and listening to music and singing and all that stuff. And so I would have like this, this experience where the whole week would go through super religious, traditional, ancient religious structure. And then on Sundays we'd have this, like, you know, diet church or light church, church light. And then, after getting, I became very just, like, kind of a nonbeliever, right? And it wasn't until I got into family constellations and this type of work and then got deep into it for a very long time that you start seeing the existence of, ah, of a power that's greater than us. That takes the form of imagine infinite knowledge of everything right that connects all of us. And it's just my and then you you put that in context with with a, you know, scripture or whatever. And then there's the ancient truths that start, you know, kind of bubbling up from it, which seems really interesting. And then you kind of dick fuzzy away or ignore the the you know, kind of the stuff that doesn't make sense, right? But the ancient truths are in there. That ancient knowledge is is in there, and you take those teachers that kind of based everything off of that so good shape, right?

spk_0:   36:00
But then But then, as you grow and as your consciousness changes on your magnetic field changes, then different things come into your environment. And then you start to see that there are mystical sides to every religion.

spk_1:   36:15
Yeah, you

spk_0:   36:16
have the charismatic Catholics. You have the Kabbalah Zen Buddhism. You have Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism, and if you look at all of those from from a higher perspective, you zoom out. They all have a thread that is extremely common. So if you look at Kabbalah from really ancient texts or ancient believes right, you see that it's exactly the same as Buddhism. It's about caring for yourself and your family. It's not about it's about being in alignment with nature. It's about your thoughts and that you have in Kabbalah. It's like there's the 99% which is the unconscious. And then there's the 1% which is you. And when you're not connected to the 99%

spk_1:   37:15
in kabbalah, 99% is unconscious and 1% there's the

spk_0:   37:19
99%. And then your and your percent right. And so the 1% has a choice all the time to either be reactive or not react. So if you're in the reactive, it's the same as we were talking about with Abraham is that you have the ability to change your conscience to change your environment. But we never think that we're strong enough. Because then if you look at the person system, are they stuck in the victim? Are they stuck in the perpetrator? Because we're all part victim and perpetrator. So

spk_1:   37:59
we also have the potential to be both exact exponentially. Exactly.

spk_0:   38:03
So a really dear friend of ours, Michelle Bleckner. She had experienced a systemic workshop in Holland and

spk_1:   38:11

spk_0:   38:11
came back with that. Um, the perpetrator in me gives me the perseverance to continue. Yeah, and the victim and me gives me the compassion to understand.

spk_1:   38:27
Of course, that's that one. Yeah.

spk_0:   38:31
And then the other thing that was huge is that we're We're both right. But then the other one that was huge is problems are opportunities for growth problems don't want to be solved. They want to be understood. Yeah. Get our the thing that's bothering us the most. Write from a systemic point. If we can see it and we can say, OK, what is this triggering in me? Yeah, and we look at our life as a mirror and not as I'm a victim, and these people are doing this to me, okay, but taking responsibility because that's what the Kabbalah says.

spk_1:   39:14
That's what Buddhism says That

spk_0:   39:15
was, Hinduism says is like I take responsibility for me. My kids are on loan to me, my my husband or spouse or whoever you're your significant other there, there to grow. But everything is a mirror. So if I don't like what I'm seeing, the only person I can change isn't be my I can only change my reaction to what's happening, which goes in total alignment with what Abraham said, and all of the others is that I can change my outer environment. So

spk_1:   39:51
maybe you remember, Maybe

spk_0:   39:53
you can't change the fact that you know, right now your job isn't giving you enough money to pay all your bills, but you can change the way you react to it, and by changing the way you react to it and zooming out and saying that every that I can move things because there's different levels off of acceptance, right? Just different levels of accepted. So you know, when you look at the terrible things that are happening or you look at somebody in your family who's really stick and you say they have control, it's very hard to wrap your head around something

spk_1:   40:30
like that, right?

spk_0:   40:31
But if if you look at it and see it more like Okay, how come we be supportive? And what is that triggering in me? So what? Fear is coming up and my afraid of dying

spk_1:   40:44
and the sick,

spk_0:   40:46
my afraid, being totally dependent on somebody because I can't receive

spk_1:   40:50
or losing somebody

spk_0:   40:51
or losing somebody because I'm so attached to them and I Where am I? Where am I giving my power away?

spk_1:   40:59
That that's thumb? One of the things that the recurring thing let's come up with my life is is once I figure out that something I'm so emotionally attached to something, it's because I feel that is a part of my identity. So having that go away is losing a part of who I am, and so I'm putting my myself in something else, you know, And that that's the thing that, um, you know, when you hear some people about political views or whatever is like when when things go into the realm of irrational is like Okay, all right, so there's something more here, so denying that isn't lying yourself because that says something about who you are as a person.

spk_0:   41:46
But but not only that, It's like, Okay, um, we don't like some of the things that were happening a political system. But we are no longer at the point where we can sit on the fence and say Somebody else's vote is gonna change somebody else's action is gonna change it. Somebody else's view is gonna change it. Right

spk_1:   42:07
way alarm. So

spk_0:   42:10
we have to say I need to take responsibility.

spk_1:   42:14
I need to take responsibility

spk_0:   42:16
for what I say. What I think

spk_1:   42:19
the creation of it

spk_0:   42:20
in the Coke

spk_1:   42:20
and the creation of this system

spk_0:   42:22
is exactly what Am says

spk_1:   42:23
and the co creation of the system. That's when so for those that don't know, we did a a workshop on organizational consolation, that's part of Mosaic, the movement, which our friend, our mutual friend Michelle Bleckner is is the founder, the founder of And, um one of the one of the first instructor or the first person that came down to his name is Yang Yakup Stamp. And one of the things that he said is what he was looking at its second his third career. Kind of the things that when he was doing his thing, he said, What you know, with one of things that he wanted to explore was assuming responsibility. What did it mean? Toe really assume responsibility and all the consequences of that. Hey, that how

spk_0:   43:10
many times a day do we give our power away? Exactly. Right. And so

spk_1:   43:15
Oh, that that really hit a chord with me? Yeah, that that's the assumption of responsibility, the full assumption of responsibility that that really that that hit something with me that it was It was very old now.

spk_0:   43:32
So that supports what we're saying. If you getting a chemical, if you're having a physical reaction and you step back for a second before you react and you say, What is this triggering in me? Why am I feeling this way? You already have shifted because you know, in constellations which is systemic work. You're

spk_1:   43:56
Can you explain? Just from your I mean, maybe people that are listening. You know what a consolation is? 11

spk_0:   44:04
years ago, gentlemen in called Bird Challenger German, um, brought about he brought to the forefront, different modalities. And he came. He was a priest. Um, he was exempt from the German army. Is something in his health or whether I'm not exactly sure of this story, but he was exempted, so he didn't have to be a soldier. And his family was not part of the party and not in alignment with what was happening. So he entered the priesthood and he became a priest and he went to Africa. And he was a headmaster of a school in Africa with the Zulu tribe, and he noticed that zoo lose but everything to the community. So when there was an issue in the community, the elders and the whole tribe, the whole village would come together and bring the issue out. Um, if one of the if there was a murderer and he murdered somebody, then he would have to go live with the victim's family and take the place off the person that he murdered. Oh, wow. So it was bringing everything, too to the community. What they found is when they would create this circle where everyone was in the community that created, like, a vortex, like a feel like the more figure, eh? So we call it the knowing field, and the field would allow the ancestors to speak. Now that's that's in a village tribe. And in the old days, we would honor the ancestors because we would still have stayed in our village And are you so the ancestors will be given their place and acknowledged Okay. When we started moving into big season Cosmopolitan, we disconnected from the ancestors. So then we disconnected from the patterns and we didn't see them because we moved to different cities. Maybe there was estrangement, exclusion, and so the family didn't talk about them. And we didn't know our history, so we couldn't connect to it. So we weren't able to acknowledge that we were repeating patterns or that our parents repeated pounding. So what happens in the field? The ancestors that have the issues that were looked working on healing find a way to make their presence known to us. Whether it's through a book or a song or an experience or some other family that had similar and then all of a sudden we find them.

spk_1:   46:48
And Burt 100 was a psychologist, right?

spk_0:   46:50
He became a psychologist after he left the priesthood. Oh, so he worked a lot with the Virginia City ears work and Carl Young's work. And then he worked with 100 Beaumont and he had a report Sheldrick. Okay, so they worked, and he started in the older. In the beginning, it was more about the psychological like, What do you feel? Things is what you need to do when there were some very some specific rules in in the Flow. And then through his work, he started to realize that there was something bigger that was happening. It was more than just the psychological, and it was. And then he started with the spirit mind and the energetic field, the knowing feeling. So it was more like you're connecting to something much bigger than you. And he started a new certification where he allowed others, then psychologists and psychiatrists to come in. And then there was more like energy workers and ranking masters and people who do who just wanted to share systemic family constellations. And we trained. Um, I went to Germany and 2007 Which itself?

spk_1:   48:12

spk_0:   48:13
Yeah, which in itself was a journey into the system. Um, was that was the first international training. And we were in Austria in sound of Music Country, which it was really like that. It was like, you know, the mountains and the little Bavarian houses and the farms, and was really very interesting. And it was the spot of the Steiner family, which is very well known in Germany of being like the Steiner schools and, like, michael disorder mentality very open. Yeah. And, um and, uh, this Ah, it was an 800 year old monastery, Really? So it had its own,

spk_1:   49:03
its own, its own energy.

spk_0:   49:06
And, um, there were 250 or about 300 people there from all over the world who took this first training. And it was 10 days off, bringing up a family issues, country issues and seeing the movement and just being like, Wow, this is something so incredible because getting there just getting toe Austria having to draw having to fly into Germany was something that I never thought I would ever do to be loyal to my family because my father was like, you know, after the war, nothing German. No, no, not even an eyebrow Pencil was like,

spk_1:   49:52
Yeah, everyone is. Data was like there was so much

spk_0:   49:55
judgment. So it was It was like a jump right into family killing. You know, here you are. And my sister always laughed and she goes, You go to Germany once and you're healed, like, how does this happen? But it wasn't. It wasn't totally. And he talked about reconciliation and reconcile with the perpetrator and that the victim and perpetrator have to reconcile for there to be peace and to break the pattern. So one of the things that Hollander says is is that the soul of the perpetrator goes into the victim. Okay, so victim so victim. Energy perpetuates perpetrator energy and perpetrator energy creates victim energy. So, like, you see in Germany that there's, um they're not having as many Children and so that that perpetrator energy created so much victim energy. But there's an imbalance caused the younger generation. It's, there's there's a lot of disconnection because they don't want to talk about their past. They don't talk about the history of the country. It wasn't just World War Two was World War One as

spk_1:   51:09
well. One was atrocious.

spk_0:   51:11
It was It was even more Toshi. I mean, not even more. But it just they took

spk_1:   51:16
the award to the next level because

spk_0:   51:18
they learned from more worldwide. So when you look at your your family, you look at where is the healing in your family So in, in into stem accord, you look at the system. So you look at like if we were to take, um, African American and you would see the dynamic of being taken physically from everything you know and becoming like, you know, treated like an animal works right. So Children became property. So the more Children that you know, they would have more property and they became value right. And but there was no family unit.

spk_1:   52:12
Yeah, that That's one of the things that we need to reconcile this. So if

spk_0:   52:15
you see if you see sometimes you'll see that the Children are being brought up by the grandmother's because the grandmother's cared for all the Children because they couldn't work in the fields anymore, so they had to have, like, a whole system. So if you see that the moms are just sometimes disappear and the father's disappear, Yeah, but if you look at it from a systemic point of view, you understand that they're they're continuing the patterns. Why are some families not because their family line not one apart, but the value of the father is when When, whenever you look at these sports got the end of these athletes

spk_1:   52:57
and you're

spk_0:   52:57
famous athletes that we said The mom, the mom, and they'll be like, 50 and they'll still be, like, respectful and smacks them. Don't still be like, No, I can't do that. You wear just that comfort, of course, but the respect for the dad is not like that. The mom was everything,

spk_1:   53:15
you know? Yeah, that That's one of the one of the things that you know. You hear a lot of people that like Well, I didn't have anything to do with slavery was like Well, guys, we all had something in us. Labor were all our existence Today has a lot to do with that with where the origin of this country in the same thing with the genocide of the Native American peoples of the United States, we have to at some point come to grips and reconcile the atrocities that were coming committed into this country and that we were co creators of that. Those atrocities and also the benefits right of both. We're we're we're reaping the benefits of both of those things. Do that.

spk_0:   53:58
But slavery was from the time of before even the Egyptian so that energy just went into different, you know, into different ethnic groups, and it just him. But if you see that the atrocities of the try, the stronger versus the weaker they're still happening in Africa, you know, it's still there's countries. I mean, even in South America, you'll see they're still, you know, that that, um, that energy is still

spk_1:   54:33
it's the least broken. His pattern. Those patterns seem like the bidding existence for a very long time. But at this point and this, it seems like there's been a big shift in who we are as as a CZ humans right that in the last 50 70 years there's been a There's been a large shift, and that might be with evident technology that might be with I don't know what's what's happening, but there seems like there's been a shift towards healing, right. I mean,

spk_0:   55:06
but you still have those that are treated like victims and those,

spk_1:   55:11
of course, perpetrator. That's not gonna go away until it would be very alert. Everybody would have to do this type of work on a constant basis for that to get minimized and minimize to a place that it doesn't exist anymore. But it's to me. Looking at the big picture says were in a place that were more prosperous than we've ever been before, right as a as a planet, more people have come out of abject poverty than any other time in the history of of the human rings. And so something's changing. I don't know if it's there's almost like a global movement towards awareness, awareness or

spk_0:   55:53
well, it's It starts with an awareness, and then you start to feel that need to, um, change something by changing your perception and your environment. Um, you see the suffering. So, um, there was also something a sane person who talked about driving the car. Yeah, it was also about how do you react two person at the light who's asking for money. Okay. Do you judge the fact that Oh, if I give them money they're gonna drink or the not gonna get food, they're not gonna take care of themselves. Or do you Look at that person as the instrument To show you compassion in your life and not judge them is being less than you. But just that they are mirror of something that you need to connect to and that if you give them something freely without judgment and you see their pain So maybe they're in Angel? No, They say angels walk among us, right?

spk_1:   57:02
You know,

spk_0:   57:02
there are people that walk among us to show us our compassion. So if you're judging them and saying, Well, they're not gonna once you give it, you have no attachment to what to do with it. Your compassion is to see them as a human and to share what you can with them. Job in awareness, right? It's not opportunity to practice compassion. We're not saying sympathy. Yeah, you're not either. You're not

spk_1:   57:33
like they're the victim of something. You know, I'm a victim. And the victim. Yeah. Yeah, you go in tow Spiral into that. Yeah.

spk_0:   57:41
So you just say, you know, you are my opportunity to connect with my compassion. And so I empathize with you. I see your pain, but I don't sympathize. So I'm not melding with you. I'm not entangling with you. And then looking at you I don't see was a victim. I don't see you is not perfect. But I just see you is another expression on this planet, right? So I don't have to fix you. But I do have to share my compassion with you. Yeah. So then,

spk_1:   58:14
without entanglements, right? And judgment.

spk_0:   58:15
Exactly. So I'm not judging. I'm just saying here, this is my opportunity to show my compassion and just share. So then you look at the gratitude that you have that you can share, even if it's 50 cents. You have that. So who is it? Um, there's the blood. There's bunch of blog's and they say if you have a roof over your head, claim water, running water in your home and food on your table. You have more than what, 80

spk_1:   58:44
percent? 99% But some crazy. But you're better than 99% of the world. So you're part of the 1% right? You know, you're part of the 1% as much as we judge. The 1% were part of 1% of

spk_0:   59:00
So do you look at that with it? Not with a grateful I Or do you say Oh, I don't have enough. Can't be. Oh, I can't do that. It's a perception. We have a chance all the time in our existence to change our awareness. So then we become Maurin alignment, and we can balance our perpetrator victim. No, walk in the middle. So we're part dark and part like. You can't on Lee be a light and you can't only be ground

spk_1:   59:32
because you're not grounded. But you

spk_0:   59:33
can't only be in the dark where there is light. Darkness cannot exist, but without the dark, like can't show anything. You can't be either or you have to be. Well, you have to embrace both. And you

spk_1:   59:48
have Can you look up the that statistic on if you're the 1% global? Yeah, that would be interesting to know exactly what it is. Yeah.

spk_0:   59:59
So when you look at those things and you can zoom out, then you're not judging your existence. And so then you go back to the knowing field where you say, OK, um, we look at our parents and we blame them. Mainstream psychology or psychiatry says your mother's to blame for everything

spk_1:   1:0:20
was to

spk_0:   1:0:21
blame for everything. Okay, But if you can look at your parents and there's an exercise that we do in consolations where you just say to your father and your mother thank you for life. Because in a systemic constantly

spk_1:   1:0:43
should thank you for life.

spk_0:   1:0:46
The father's responsibility ends when he creates life. Anything after that is cream.

spk_1:   1:0:52
You know

spk_0:   1:0:54
that whipped cream, right? The mother's responsibilities to give birth Anything after that is also cream.

spk_1:   1:1:01
Yeah, Yeah. You are literally in existence,

spk_0:   1:1:04
right? Eso you say to them Thank you for creating life and you don't go to the circumstances. You don't go to the baggage that they brought in. You're a good parent. You're a bad parent. You were there. You weren't you You gave me up because no matter what they did, you wouldn't have life or anything. Toe be your existing complain about If they didn't create

spk_1:   1:1:30
like you would exist.

spk_0:   1:1:32
So bye. Just acknowledging that and not I'm working at not judging them for all this. For all the decisions or choices that they made, if you could just look at them as two people that came together and created life, whatever circumstance, that's not easy.

spk_1:   1:1:52
That's not easy. That's not you know what kind of going to the second part of that is one of the things that the story of Christ right of the crucifixion And you here when Christ tells God and says, Why, Father, why have you forsaken me? Is almost is almost like, Why have you given me all this baggage that I have to do? I have to go through this. Excuse my French, but I have to go through this shit. You know, this horrible situation and B and die have been becoming a new right. So that story has always now that I've started to see religious stories in a different context, I saw that, like, that moment of the death of Christ, And in that moment he says, Father, why have you forsaken me? It's almost like, um it's Yeah, Well, yeah. Three built your if you're luckier. If you have food on Yeah, if you have your fridge clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep. You're richer than 75% of all. That's a statistic, right? Yeah. So

spk_0:   1:3:04
by changing our awareness and by and by embracing more compassion but embracing compassion, tow ourselves first. Because if we don't embody it, if we don't project it out of our field, then we can't really share it,

spk_1:   1:3:22
you know,

spk_0:   1:3:22
because it's like it's like, you know, when you start to become more aware of your energetic field, you know, when people are not telling you the truth. Yeah, of course. Feel it.

spk_1:   1:3:32
You can feel

spk_0:   1:3:33
you just feel everybody has the ability two access those parts of the brain that are connected tsp and the knowing and the premonitions and all that. We just don't believe that we can.

spk_1:   1:3:48
And we're not quiet enough to you,

spk_0:   1:3:50
right? Because you have to really be quiet. But you feel so you know, like and then and then you filter it through your brain here like No, it's my imagine Just know or you take it personal. Yeah, and it's like, Oh, they don't like me when it may not have anything to do with you at all. It's them. You're feeling their energy and you feel that they're not being truthful. So you automatically assume it's something to do with you when it's not

spk_1:   1:4:23
the Ivan you know, Ivan Pollocks. Exercise that to me. It has been one of the most impactful moments of my life, and for those who didn't don't know. So we did. The first generation of Mosaic, right? The workshop that we did the pre training, which was an artist Ivan set up. Ivan is a facilitator out of California. He set up a camera. Where would you would look at some? He would look you straight in the face and ask you the questions,

spk_0:   1:4:55
right? He created a film,

spk_1:   1:4:57
created a film. It was a film. I think it's on. It's on YouTube or on video and the community. I had a moment, and this is I feel like I'm a crazy person. When I told this story, I had a moment where we communicated without saying words. Yeah, and it's like being quiet enough toe. Let those things surface because it's like it's like fleeting right? It's like a like a It's like a breeze. It's like you almost. If you look at it too long, it will go away. But there was a subconscious communication that happened. And I feel like a crazy person when I tell people that's in Sam.

spk_0:   1:5:34
Yeah, but it's like it's like you're driving and then all of a sudden you turn and they're like, white. I turn and then you realize that there was an accident over there and you missed it. Or those premonitions where you're quiet, where it's just like you're not thinking and become like So they come in and they assist you. The consciousness takes you someplace else. Like I had to go on Friday to two appointments. One was in South Miami and they're more was at Brickell and I was going by the GPS, and I mistakenly made a right turn, which actually took me directly. The Brickell, instead of going west, come back east What it was like. Okay, so this was not a mistake. This is the right, because I was I was in alignment with the flow and I wasn't getting a like, rushing or anxious, just like OK, I'm going to my next my next appointment calmly, and I made it there in less time cheese, then the GPS because I would have gone west.

spk_1:   1:6:44
It almost seems like the facilitating family constellations or facilitating foot consolations comes from the same place that you quiet yourself enough to say, What is the field telling? And that's where that intuition come from, right? Like that.

spk_0:   1:7:03
It's a little more than quieting yourself because it's kind of like you have to take yourself out of yourself. Yeah, so you have to be really quiet. But you have to get out of your mind. Yeah, So when we create the knowing field and participants come one thing, the main thing that we say is this is a modality. This is a work of the of the heart of feelings. This is not your mind. When you're in your mind, you're overthinking and you're filtering, and that's not what it's about. Yeah, so you come in and the person who brings an issue to the field, they may think that they know where it's coming from, and then the people who represent the players in that scenario say they represent the mother, the father or whoever right could be a country could be an illness. Anything given the freedom of the field showed them where the real issue is. Not in their mind. Yeah. So we've seen. I mean, you've been there with me, and I've been doing this for 12 years. I've seen incredible things. Um, and you go, you can't make this up.

spk_1:   1:8:16
You can, because

spk_0:   1:8:17
the representative actually starts to say that we were in one, um, consolation where the guy said, I have no feeling in my in my right arm. I've absolutely no feeling my right arm. It's like it's not there. And he was representing an uncle who was in World War I and the person who's consolation. It was, Yeah, he lost his right arm in World War 10 and he did his so it wasn't there. And you're like,

spk_1:   1:8:46
Yeah, and they

spk_0:   1:8:48
don't know each other at all. So I can share one personal experience. We were doing a training with Bird Challenger in Louisville, Kentucky, and we had groups of 15 and he did a lot of exercises because it was more for facilitators or people who wanted to do the work. And I was lucky, and, um, it was a father exercise. He had to do something with someone. Represent your father and someone you represented yourself. And, um, if you go down to the floor, it's that you're connected to the dead souls of your family and the personal represented. My father went down to his knees. And so the person who was facilitating put, um, 345 or something like that, People lying down. And my father reached out his hand to hold my hand, but never turned to me, always looking at the dead ones. And I realized that he felt so guilty that he couldn't save his family, that he lived with that guilt. And when you have that kind of survivor guilt, you actually can really make yourself ill. So he had five heart attacks he had. I mean, you name it. He had

spk_1:   1:10:09
almost chasing death in honor to the ancestors

spk_0:   1:10:14
I have to perpetuate. That's my obligation. You have to do that. But I'm not going to embrace life enough to really enjoy to be happy. And I looked at that and I realized that his being so hard on me of like making us like overachievers. You have to do this. Yes, it's good, but you have to do better. It's good, but you have to do better. Good. They have to do better and always teaching us. Okay, How to take care of ourselves. Like you can change the oil in the car. You can change a tire. You could be resourceful even though you're a woman. You can do this because you have to survive, huh? You have to continue to put one foot in front of the other and never

spk_1:   1:10:59
give up. And it's almost like not doing that is not honoring people that sacrificed or the people that went through the things that they went through. An order for you to be. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So that's a that's a big burden to carry. Yeah, that's a big burden to carry. I was having a conversation with some of the other day and, you know, they were saying, you know, my daughter is my sunshine, and I was saying, like, Look at the responsibility that you're putting on your daughter. Okay? Your life depends on them. That's not the position for the child,

spk_0:   1:11:35
right? Right.

spk_1:   1:11:36
It's too much weight for the child to carry to say that you're you know, that they're the source of your life of your You know, what the sun represents is the source of energy of everything.

spk_0:   1:11:49
Yeah, so going back to the, um acknowledging the parents and without baggage, the next thing in constellations is is the hierarchy s. So there is a specific hierarchy and everyone has to be in a place. And if there's anyone missing, people have to fill that. So you're the tip of the pyramid, then your parents are behind you. So your mother is always on the left. The females are always on the left closest to the heart. And the nails are always on the right. So that your parents your grandparent's your great grand parents all the way back, right? So if you go back seven generations, you the tip of the iceberg for 254

spk_1:   1:12:32
154 people, you

spk_0:   1:12:33
Now what about the excluded ones? What about the ones we don't talk about? What about the You know, the first lover of your great grandfather? Where if she hadn't stepped away, your great grandfather wouldn't have marriage a great grandmother and you wouldn't exist. So all of those people are part of your family. They haven't impact on your family. Have an impact on where you go, what country you're in or not in. So if your father or your great great grandfather who died and he was missing and the child of that, like your great grandfather, right? Stepped in to be the partner of your grandmother, then maybe he wasn't totally available for his wife.

spk_1:   1:13:24
Yeah, so

spk_0:   1:13:26
then you have a different pattern that comes up the sadness. So then,

spk_1:   1:13:30
for the parent not being available right, you lost

spk_0:   1:13:33
parents then maybe 34 generations down. Men don't get married.

spk_1:   1:13:41
Yeah, yeah,

spk_0:   1:13:42
because they're you know, they're They're connected to that Sinus cause the child says, I love you unconditionally, unconsciously, of course I will suffer for you. So you and sacrifice my life for

spk_1:   1:13:55
you even if it costs me my life.

spk_0:   1:13:56
Even if it costs me my life. Which is a book by Stephen Hausner, who wrote about illnesses and how the connect to systemic patterns in the family.

spk_1:   1:14:07
Even if it was me,

spk_0:   1:14:08
right? So the child will suffer for the parent. So the child maybe will create that same pattern So women, where there was a lost child and the great great grandmother was devastated. So then you get to the point with the same thing where maybe 745 generations, the women can't don't. They're not able to have Children.

spk_1:   1:14:34
Yeah, or lose their first pregnancy and multiple pregnancies or lose a pregnancy, you know?

spk_0:   1:14:41
So you're connecting to that loyalty. All right, our or divorce. And then you'll see. And families. We have this thing called a Gina Graham. But we do it in more Gina Grant. Yeah. So it's more detailed than a family tree. OK, so you go in and you do like a mapping with the facilitator doesn't mapping with the client. And you look at the people in your family. But you look at them when they were born, when they died. Okay. How many you know? How many times were they married? How many Children did they have today of illnesses? Do they have any traumatic thing? Did they have ah, loss of fortune again of fortune? Was there a war to look at all the things that happened in their life? What was their profession? And then you go back and you do this and they simply

spk_1:   1:15:33
family tree on steroids,

spk_0:   1:15:34
right? And then you start to see patterns. You see patterns in professions being chosen, you see patterns. This generation left a country than this generation left a state than this generation left the city and you see movements. So if there's not a reconciliation with leaving country of origin, then you'll see movements and you'll see whoa that people are not completely successful because they're not completely present because they're still being loyal to that sadness of leaving something. No. And in, um, in survivors of the Holocaust and their Children, second and third generation Holocaust survivors is that you can't get past that wall of that trauma until you can't get beyond to see the successful ancestors to see the happy ancestor toc the joyous ancestors. So you can't connect beyond that giant trauma. Yeah, and once you can go back and access those ancestors and asked them to assist you because there is success in every family. Yeah, of course. But we're so connected to that that we have major depression and all of those things there associate.

spk_1:   1:16:56
You think that in families that kind of the negative events have more power than the positive events.

spk_0:   1:17:05
I saw it in my own family. I saw that, you know, because oh, um, a lot of survivors couldn't talk about what happened with their Children. So you have a disconnect. So

spk_1:   1:17:19
So there's an exclusion Almost when you don't talk about something and that's the thing that

spk_0:   1:17:27
it's It's not an exclusion as a disconnect with, um, you're disconnecting. Yeah, it's an exclusion. You're right, because you're excluded.

spk_1:   1:17:36
Even Look at those perpetrators. Yeah, you can't even look at it. So it senses so huge, you can't even look at the thing. Right?

spk_0:   1:17:45
So they don't talk about it. So then you don't realize until you're an adult that you don't even have a medical history

spk_1:   1:17:53
and family because

spk_0:   1:17:54
they didn't talk about anything. You don't know what they did. Yeah, a lot of families do, and most of them don't. Yeah, So you've got this. Disconnect it when you start to see things that are happening in the family. So they say. Um huh. Bipolar is in constellations. The definition is the perpetrator in the victim in the same body.

spk_1:   1:18:19
Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense.

spk_0:   1:18:21
And then they say suicide is this Is that the perpetrator and victim? And they have to destroy each

spk_1:   1:18:27
other. Yeah, The suicide is the most egregious act of perpetrator and victim and one person, Because you are the victim and you're the perpetrator. Same thing with self abuse. It's you are the perpetrator with them with one hand and the victim on the other people. They say that about, um, heard about people that cut. Yeah, that. It's usually there's abuse patterns in the family when people that do cutting,

spk_0:   1:18:52
right? Right. So it doesn't have to be. The hall goes. It could be different things. Custer's no lack of trauma.

spk_1:   1:19:00
Yeah, and it's all relative to each system. Right? If it was right, Yeah, it's all relative system.

spk_0:   1:19:07
But then how many systems do belong? Toe?

spk_1:   1:19:11
Yeah, go to that. And

spk_0:   1:19:14
so systemic work is like, Okay, so you're You're a white male. Yeah. You're a white Latin male. You were And your ah veteran.

spk_1:   1:19:26
Yeah, yeah,

spk_0:   1:19:27
yeah. You're, um, ancestry came from

spk_1:   1:19:30
Venezuelan from, you know, Michigan and Europe. Yeah.

spk_0:   1:19:34
Yeah. You're a father of young Children in America. Um, how many?

spk_1:   1:19:40
Go on. Go on and on and on and on and on and on. Yeah, yeah, I'm a male. Yeah, you go. Every single system has its inherent knowledge. Right or download of operating system, You know, Carl. Yeah.

spk_0:   1:19:54
And then and then your your loyalties to your country.

spk_1:   1:19:57
Yeah. So into my parents into where they come from their patterns And exactly Religious what? Religion wise And, you know, every everything that comes with it.

spk_0:   1:20:06
Wait, How many systems?

spk_1:   1:20:08
Don't know? Yeah, there's infinite, really. You

spk_0:   1:20:11
know, So But you have to look at how you relate in your life. So if you can just step back and not try and figure out all the systems, but understand that you're part of systems and you look at Okay, so this issue of, um, when I drive in traffic, I have So I've rage because people just cut me off. They drive like they doing in South America, like in Mexico. You know, nobody has, ah, turn signal. And this what he connecting to

spk_1:   1:20:45
what you connecting to? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, That's the my biggest. Especially being a father of little kids, right? I'm just like I'm gonna deal with as much crap as I can. So you guys are free to do whatever you want to do with your life. You know, toe, do it with the best cleanest, you know, with a bank account that's not in the negative, right? That you're not going a bunch of, you know, stuff toe past generations. It's like I'm just gonna do that. If I get to that place and you have a fresh start, we're in good shape. And then you can You can live your life the way that you live it. But it's not really that binary, right? It's not really that

spk_0:   1:21:22
nobody in your case like, look at how you started to do that. And then your parents start to get involved and they started to take back there, is you? And then they started working on their stuff.

spk_1:   1:21:35
Oh, no, that's so you

spk_0:   1:21:37
actually do see it?

spk_1:   1:21:38
Yeah. The ripple effects of breaking of one person in the family, which, in my case with my mom started it right. Which one person that started the family. The ripple effects that's have over the past 12 years 13 years in the family have been vast and wide right. I just don't know how I won't ever know the implications of how profound those changes event. Right? You know, maybe when I cross onto the other side and you know, I'm able to do the Wikipedia of the other side and find out what really the information of it. But it you know, I won't know off what that looks like until you know, and I gain that knowledge.

spk_0:   1:22:18
And no matter how long you're doing it, issues come up and you're like, Oh, this is an issue I worked on. I know you're working at it on such a deeper level. You're letting go of certain things. Like, um, I had a brother who died in the war when he was a year old, but my mom never talked about it. I think I was nine when they told me. Well, I found out by accident, Right, Older. So, um, I had a brother who died in the war, and then I have a brother who is 13 years older than I am. And then my sister was 9.5 years older than and, um, I knew about him, but he didn't really have a neg. Czyz tint for

spk_1:   1:23:03
me. I didn't have a place

spk_0:   1:23:05
I knew. And I knew that I was fourth and all of that, and with consolations, I you know, I would acknowledge him. And, you know, in the Jewish tradition that on your Kipper you light a candle for your immediate family, you know? And, um, when my sister passed away three years ago, I started lighting candles for her. And then two years ago, on your Kipper, I was like, Wait a minute, Wait a minute. I have another sibling that I haven't been lighted kills for. Wow. And it was like,

spk_1:   1:23:45
Yeah, that's I mean, just the acknowledgment of that position. The ripple effects of that can be astronomical.

spk_0:   1:23:52
So I started lighting candles for him as well. Because how do I light a candle for my sister, who I knew?

spk_1:   1:23:58
Yeah. Yeah.

spk_0:   1:24:00
And being a lineman because I wasn't lighting a candle for my brother, who I didn't know. But I had a cousin who, um, is the first cousin. He was in Idaho, and he was his father was the oldest of 12. My father was a second to the youngest. So, um, he came to this country through the, um, orphans of you today. The organization. And so he was brought here and he was waving. He found my parents. And when they came once, they were able to He came to live with them way before I was born. It was much older than me. He took the place of the lost brother, and my parents took the place of his parents, and so didn't have to adopt him because they had the same family name. But he was my

spk_1:   1:24:52
brother. Yeah. So he took the

spk_0:   1:24:54
place. And for me, he was the brother. Yeah, until I realized that they were both Wow. So I light a candle for him also, even though I'm not supposed to be Oh, brother. But for all intensive purposes, labels don't really Yeah. Describe who the person is in your in your life. My friend doesn't really describe how deep that relationship soul sisters old brother doesn't even know. There's that connection that there's always somebody who takes the place of somebody else.

spk_1:   1:25:33
Yeah, and if you look at, if you look at the systems, not for just the exclusion, but also for the inclusion that there's also there's an inclusion as well, right? Like if you grew up in those scenarios like you had a family that was put together for, You know, whatever reason this becomes the system, right? And just like with cos it becomes a system, it becomes. And the more you you're in close proximity to with somebody, you form your system, right? We're all energy and the exclusive. The opposite of exclusion is inclusion. And that has its dynamics as well.

spk_0:   1:26:12
Yeah, so that that brings up this story of after the war, there was the Jewish Agricultural Society, and they were trying to get the survivors out of the out of New York and places. So they created three Jewish chicken farmers. And there's a hole. There's books about this. And they went to Connecticut. New Jersey. Hammered Island. Yeah, and my parents were receivers of that, and I was born in Rhode Island. My dad had a chicken farm.

spk_1:   1:26:41
Oh, wow.

spk_0:   1:26:43
And they came together. There were, like, 50 families that 50 survivor families and 10 American Jewish families in this little town in Connecticut. And they gathered money to build a synagogue, the community, the churches, and the and the whole community donated money, and they all got together and they built the synagogue, which now has historic status in delis in Connecticut. And in 1956 they had the first interfere Thanksgiving, all those cool dog because the whole community helped them to hell. So every function, religious and social centered around the synagogue. So when I was a kid, everybody's engagement party, bar mitzvah, um, holiday Thanksgiving. It was everything was there. So there was the sisterhood to all the women cooked,

spk_1:   1:27:45
you know,

spk_0:   1:27:46
and every party was there. So everything we did was centered around that. And like you said, those people became family,

spk_1:   1:27:55
became family.

spk_0:   1:27:56
So my mom's best friend, she was like, a non yeah, way weren't related.

spk_1:   1:28:01
You weren't related

spk_0:   1:28:02
because they created that system of families who created this synagogue. But it was more than a religious. It was a social. It was We're gonna

spk_1:   1:28:13
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, there was on my first consolation that I ever did. And I wanted that kind of begs the next question that I wanted to ask you was so when when my parents got divorced, my sister, mom and I came into this like, triangle off, just like emergency response. You know, it's just this kind of all right, batten down the hatches. Lost three, you know, kind of linked at the arm. And my mom, you know, like the person representing my mom was like, I think his lie in lady, you know, and a little kind of in the back, like Concord down. And we maintain that dynamic for a long time and that create a conflict between the three of us, right? So there is no room for anybody else, right? When you're in that in that, in that kind of conflict or that survival mechanism. Right. So my first consolation when I did it was okay. You have to grow to a place where you have to be comfortable enough with a place where you can create space where other people can join the system, right? So I wouldn't have if I would've maintained that system. I would have never been able to get married to my wife and have kids and do that. That system. Do you think that in communities that have gone through atrocities, does that happen? And then that system creates conflict. So something that was create a system that was created in order to survive later creates conflict just because of proximity off systems. Is that is that something you seeing?

spk_0:   1:29:41
Yes. And you could take that into refugee camps. Yeah. Okay. Where you have multiple generations and you see how it breeds the perpetrator.

spk_1:   1:29:54
Yeah, on they start preying on each other

spk_0:   1:29:57
and the rage. So then they start first preying on each other. And if you don't do what I say or you don't join my group, then I'll kill you or your family. So then they you know where your family know? So it's like we're your family know? So even, like in a gang system where we're not judging it. We're just observing it. So you look at that. And you're saying your family system is so terrible? We're gonna give you a way to include yourself with us, exclude them, next, become the excluded one. So who are they representing in the family? Where is the family? Excluding another system. So that they someone

spk_1:   1:30:41
who has to fight excluding yourself from that family system. Right?

spk_0:   1:30:45
But the system, But the family is excluding themselves from some.

spk_1:   1:30:50
Yeah, Yeah, larger system itself.

spk_0:   1:30:53
So that child unconsciously is saying I will suffer for you and excludes himself to the point of sacrificing his life or having to be incarcerated. Or if you look at the political prisoners and you look at the family dynamic and you go back generations, that's where we do the in the Gina Graham, you can see where, um you know, uh, three generations behind somebody was arrested as a political prisoner. And then you see incarceration.

spk_1:   1:31:26
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, And that happens a lot. And umm countries have been colonized, right? Yeah. Political prisoners of Avon's usually in countries as well. You'll

spk_0:   1:31:38
see. At a certain age, a child will move right? So when you came Thio, when you left Venezuela, was it in any relation to your parents age? When they left their country,

spk_1:   1:31:53
my dad left Venezuela. When he was around that age, he went to go to school. So

spk_0:   1:31:58
you see, repeat And they're not always bad patterns.

spk_1:   1:32:01
Yes, just are. They

spk_0:   1:32:03
just are the good or bad is what we attached to it. So one of my philosophies. And in all the years that I've been working on constellations and just em spiritual empowerment and growth is. But whatever is happening, there is no right or wrong. It just It

spk_1:   1:32:25
just is. Yeah,

spk_0:   1:32:26
And if we could see it, as it just is, we're not attaching things, and so is like Okay, okay, So where am I feeding this? How's it going to keep going on? And then we go back to I'm responsible for what's happening so I can change it. Yeah, but it's about my perception. So if I see it as not bad, but just is, then I can look at it a little more detached and really observe it. Yeah, whereas

spk_1:   1:32:57
and the emotional entanglements Not there.

spk_0:   1:32:58
Exactly. And I'm not having an emotional reaction so I can shift out of it

spk_1:   1:33:04
a little more. So

spk_0:   1:33:05
there's the mindfulness where

spk_1:   1:33:07
and it's resolved. It's not like it's you don't cut it off and let it go away. It's just there is part of your history, just like anything else. And you don't have to repeat it because you've acknowledged it and it's observing it. You're just absorbing it with just for what it is,

spk_0:   1:33:22
right? So, like, people who are listening like those they Okay, well, you're oversimplifying it but take a scenario where you have a conflict with a co worker work or your boss. Your boss is not acknowledging you, boss doesn't appreciate you. You're not getting paid. What, You think you should get paid? Okay, so you're looking at that as in the victim Energy, right? Oh, they don't appreciate me. They don't see it. I'm getting paid enough. Step back, Okay? And look at your boss and look at his ancestors behind him. And look at him as a person, not as your boss, Not as the person who's not allowing you to move forward

spk_1:   1:34:06
to succeed You.

spk_0:   1:34:07
Okay, but what is he bringing with him? And then if you can see him being present and your approach change is because you're not coming with a combative energy, right? So then he practiced an act of kindness.

spk_1:   1:34:24
Yeah. Yeah. And also, what is what am I What? What am I bringing to this? That I'm putting myself in the situation that I like a victim will always find a perpetrator. And a perpetrator will always find a victim. It's always like every dance we have will always find a place where I was. I was having this conversation with somebody, and they're you know, they're in their language. It was always you don't. These people are taking advantage of these people. I'm getting taken advantage by this, and I'm like you will always. As long as you identify with the victim, you will always find a perpetrator in every single scenario, right. And you'll create a world where you are the victim of things to be, right? Yeah, it to say my And that's what I was saying earlier was like righteousness. Being right feels so good because you're loyal to the system. You're being loyal to this exact because it comes from a place of love,

spk_0:   1:35:25
right? So sometimes that's a blind loyalty. And you don't even realize that loyalty is so strong that even when it becomes a conscious loyalty, it's almost it's very difficult to break it. Yeah, so you're being loyal to something that you're not even aware of. And then when you start toe step back and say, I'm responsible for my life, those three stars to show themselves as the patterns,

spk_1:   1:35:55
that's that's huge,

spk_0:   1:35:56
right? But But it's, you know, people are gonna be listening and they're going to say, Oh, they make it sound so simple So and it's that, but it's not. But

spk_1:   1:36:05
it's the hardest thing that I've ever done is that

spk_0:   1:36:08
they say that a marriage or any relationship takes takes work. Yeah, but who's our first relationship with her mother know? So

spk_1:   1:36:18
Oh, yeah, you're right, that's

spk_0:   1:36:19
ourselves. So we don't invest time in our relationship with our

spk_1:   1:36:23
Selves, our first analyzing

spk_0:   1:36:25
it and having relationship with our mother or are significant other.

spk_1:   1:36:30
Our first relationship with his worth is with ourselves. You're right. I think that that's what was Thursday's works up on was your first relationships with yourself? And how do you treat yourself?

spk_0:   1:36:40
How do you treat yourself? So there's so so one exercise that we found is really powerful is you Look in the mirror and you put a timer so you do. Five minutes and five minutes seems like an eternity in the beginning, right, and you get comfortable, you can sit down. You could use a hand bearer or a standing mirror, or you could stand up in the bathroom or anywhere, and you start to look at yourself in your eyes. But deep, deep in your own eyes deep. Oh, beyond the mirror. Go into the pupil and you just look in your own eyes and you just say I see you. Wow. Uh huh. And then see what happens. You may start to cry.

spk_1:   1:37:30
Yeah, them That's that's Yeah, that's super powerful.

spk_0:   1:37:35
But who are you connecting with?

spk_1:   1:37:37
You couldn't do it yourself. Yeah.

spk_0:   1:37:39
And who are you? You are the tip of the iceberg of those lives.

spk_1:   1:37:44
254 b

spk_0:   1:37:46
rate. So life passed through them. Not from them, but through the snow to you. Yeah. Now, life is not just physical Children. Life is also projects Animal creation. Create

spk_1:   1:38:05
any creation relationship dynamic because

spk_0:   1:38:08
of project has to be nurtured. A business has to be nurtured. You can't just leave it. Those are those air connections also. But when you see you and you know where you stand in your family and you're solid, you're grounded. The way you look at life is so different. No, because you're not judging yourself. You're not negative talking yourself because people don't realize what we talked about. The flowers and the 20 million types of flowers, urine, unique soul, a spark that was in the Big Bang. You know, we all these sparks were created, and we all became those souls. Right now, is there anything in this world that is in perfect? No, no. The flowers, they know howto grow by themselves. If if God or the source or the universal there's there's, there's a cycle, there's nothing that isn't perfect. Yeah, So how could we not be perfect? You know, we just are

spk_1:   1:39:22
We just stop judging

spk_0:   1:39:23
ourselves about our body were to this were to Dak just looking at the outside. Oh, my have wrinkles. My hair color my dismay that Just look in your eyes and see how perfect you are. Connect with your soul And then you can actually just move through certain things because you're not connected to the emotion you see you.

spk_1:   1:39:50
Yeah, I mean, that's I don't think I don't think I've ever seen and looked at it, looked at it that way to say,

spk_0:   1:39:57
And then the next thing you say is and this takes time. But even if you just start to say it, even if you don't completely believe it, it starts the momentum of the energies. You know I love you. Just the way you are.

spk_1:   1:40:11
Yeah, that's a big act. It's just say the act of self love is a big act. Yeah, it's extremely powerful.

spk_0:   1:40:19
Yeah, but if you don't love you, how could you love anyone?

spk_1:   1:40:23
Of course. Yeah, Yeah, that's what I'm I keep going back to strip Scripture, and I don't know, because I'm kind of on this tangent of seeing scripture from a different perspective. Like I've rediscovered it in this in this new perspective and, you know, it says, um, you know, uh, what it says in Scripture says love thy neighbor like you love yourself. And the first thing you have to do is love yourself. Because if you can't love yourself, there is no possible way that you can love your neighbor,

spk_0:   1:40:52
right? Because if you don't love yourself, you're gonna, like, come from that place.

spk_1:   1:40:56
You're gonna come from the same place from your neighbor, and it's just like if first the first. The most important is like, you know, everybody says love thy neighbours like that's not the point. The point is, you love yourself first and foremost to be ableto love thy neighbor. That's where you can do that. Because if you can't apart from that place of origin

spk_0:   1:41:18
because it's not selfish itself less so. If it if if you're looking at you, it's not that you're just thinking about just you. So we're not saying look atyou and just you're the most important thing in the world. You're the most important thing for you. Yeah, but how you treat you is how do you treat others and how others will do you Exactly. So if you are in that victim energy,

spk_1:   1:41:45
if you're in the victim energy,

spk_0:   1:41:46
you're gonna attract things to show you

spk_1:   1:41:49
how to hell. Yeah, but you're

spk_0:   1:41:51
not. Seeing them is a healing. You're seeing him as another reaction

spk_1:   1:41:55
time putting myself in the situation to be right to be right. It's like, you know how you, um, on the plains where they say you put the mask on yourself before you can put a child, you have to put on yourself first, because if not, you're useless.

spk_0:   1:42:10
Yes. So that adage is when you're on the plane and the oxygen masks come down, they say you have to put yours on first so you can help anyone else, because if you don't, you're gonna pass out,

spk_1:   1:42:20
you're gonna pass out and you'll be a You're gonna take one. You're going to take another one with you because so you know, it won't be a one obeah to write.

spk_0:   1:42:28
Exactly. So that's so that's what we're saying is that you have to have you have to practice self care at all levels.

spk_1:   1:42:36
And I was coming through this and I was kind of having this thought process about being selfish. It's like self being, you know? And it was going back to what you and Jacob Stamp said at the things like our first act as humans is to take. It's we take life from the mother. The mother doesn't say I allow youto, you know, take nurture, you know, nourishment from my body. You just take it right. And when you're born, you're you take your first breath and the first act that we have in our existence is US act of taking is an act of off self love. Right? Is taking care of ourselves first way separation in the second act of separation. But we lose ourselves. We lose that act of I'm gonna take I have to take care of me first, and along the way we say no, I'm gonna sacrifice myself for you and it goes into the exact but it goes into the into the victim. You know, sin everywhere. I'm saying I am laying, you know, like that, you know, because we're great. You for

spk_0:   1:43:46
it's a separation because that separation connects us to life. Because if we don't separate, we die.

spk_1:   1:43:54
If we don't separate, we die. And if we don't support, we both die.

spk_0:   1:43:58
Right? So the first success that we encounter in our life is birth and the first trauma

spk_1:   1:44:06
No anchor is birth.

spk_0:   1:44:07
So they're both there

spk_1:   1:44:08
at the same time Time at the point of Yeah, yeah,

spk_0:   1:44:14
right. So even in this day and age it with all our technology and everything, it's still the most dangerous thing to do is to give birth to a

spk_1:   1:44:24
child. Would imagine

spk_0:   1:44:25
even technology

spk_1:   1:44:26
has been there twice. I've seen like I haven't been there on the obviously on the birthing side, but I've been there, been there to experience it, and it is the most incredible thing I've ever seen. It just It's such a powerful act, right? It's the most. Yeah, it's the most think the most insane thing that I've been presence off, right? I've never been. Yeah. There's nothing that's been Maur impressive than that from a human experience side than the birth of a person, right? Yeah. I told my son the other day is like I said, I was like, Tony, I saw you come into this world like I was the first person that you saw coming into this world. Yeah, yeah,

spk_0:   1:45:07
on the thing is, is I I gave birth of my Children, but I was able to be there for my daughter when she gave birth. So I actually saw that

spk_1:   1:45:18
you saw you experience both expertly. That's incredible.

spk_0:   1:45:20
And it's really something to watch

spk_1:   1:45:24
your own child, you know, give birth to a child. I mean, how powerful is that?

spk_0:   1:45:29
Dad's? Because then you you realize I've passed, like, threw me?

spk_1:   1:45:35
Yes, and it's really Oh, yeah. I'm getting goose powerful. Yeah, I'm getting goose bumps.

spk_0:   1:45:40
And then then you want to do all the more work of breaking the pattern

spk_1:   1:45:44
because you want to

spk_0:   1:45:45
leave that your account is at zero

spk_1:   1:45:48
bag as account is, you know, you know,

spk_0:   1:45:51
taking any

spk_1:   1:45:52
debt exporting positive Yeah.

spk_0:   1:45:56
So the, um the other thing that they say is by those separation by doing the self care is you're creating healthy boundaries, So you can be you.

spk_1:   1:46:12
You could be you here

spk_0:   1:46:13
and and you you don't have to, like, judge you. So they say in that tone, they say, saying yes to sell. Saying no to others is saying yes to say

spk_1:   1:46:23
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

spk_0:   1:46:25
But you're doing it logically aware, Open mind. You know you're not judging. So if if you do something for somebody out of obligation, then you're not you're not in the flow. No, because you're not doing freely. You're doing it with an attachment with. So if if you don't feel that you should do it, there's a way in a kind, compassionate way to say no.

spk_1:   1:46:51
Yeah, I'm not

spk_0:   1:46:52
saying just say no. I don't feel like doing effort something give myself first. But there's always a way to

spk_1:   1:46:59
to say it would love

spk_0:   1:47:00
to say it

spk_1:   1:47:01
with you. That's one of the things that the thought that's come to me a lot is that you know, if you have the strength to say no and have boundaries, you will have the strength of bear responsibility. You'll start, you'll start to have the strength to bear responsibility, and that is to bear the responsibility. Like when you start when you have a solid foundation of who you are and have those boundaries set and solidified, you can bear weight,

spk_0:   1:47:30
right. You can't bear weight.

spk_1:   1:47:32
And that's where meaning comes from.

spk_0:   1:47:33
Yeah, when you when you stop judging your parents and just accept them as they are, which takes time, since I'm not simplifying because there's terrible parents and everything. But if you could just see them start from the place off, you gave life.

spk_1:   1:47:51
Yeah, yeah,

spk_0:   1:47:52
leave the other baggage and the judgments and all of the observations behind. And you just say thank you for the life he gave.

spk_1:   1:47:59
That's such a great first movement. Just, you know, like people getting into the consolation world to say, You know, you might have had a terrible situation, but you start with thank you for giving me life, and then you start with that sounded just like everything else is by. But thank you for giving me life. At least say thank you for that,

spk_0:   1:48:17
right? And then if you're If you're adopted, then those parents that adopted you, they took, they had a contract. So you But you've got two moms and two down. You don't have less than somebody. You actually have more. And and so then there's a contract because the biological parents gave you life and brought you into the world. But you get a second life from the adoptive parents because they nurture

spk_1:   1:48:47
you. Yeah, it's like getting a bonus. Yeah, So

spk_0:   1:48:52
when you're acknowledging, uh, excuse me, you're acknowledging both. Do what they saying constellations is that you have to acknowledge the biological parents because if there's if there's no connection to like a Nadav active mother, if she really is doing the work, she will acknowledge the biological mother. Yeah, even if she can't find her, she doesn't know her. Whatever. Energetically, energetically. And then she'll tell the child, You know, you know, I'm your adopted mother. Then everyone's in their place. Everyone was feeling, and to acknowledge it's just like in relationships. There's no X,

spk_1:   1:49:36
there's no ass. Yeah, there's no

spk_0:   1:49:37
first white, your second wife, your first husband, your second husband. But

spk_1:   1:49:42
they all have their place.

spk_0:   1:49:43
But if you xing them and you're excluding them. Yeah, and then you can't heal to have

spk_1:   1:49:49
a better

spk_0:   1:49:50
relationship. So you continue the same patterns. So what you do is you give everybody a drink that you are my

spk_1:   1:49:56
first. Yeah. Yeah.

spk_0:   1:49:58
And I thank you for what I learned. And you just acknowledged that

spk_1:   1:50:03
it's such a resolution

spk_0:   1:50:05
because our experiences create who we are. We hadn't gone through all of the things. I look at my life, you know, I'm 63 I look at my life, and I see all of the people that I encountered and all of those experiences are who I am today.

spk_1:   1:50:25
Yeah, yeah. The one of the things. One of the biggest lessons that I learned during doing this work is when you deny your ex and you have a child with, um you're denying 50% of your child like that. Waas. For me, that was not to say that my parents or whatever, you know, like whatever that is. And I think that that's thank God, all you know has been resolved. But the power of that of the implications of of judging your axe and the the implications that that has on your child is

spk_0:   1:51:05
I'm glad you brought that up because that that is exactly that. Because your child is 50% of both of you. So if you're if you really love your child, you have to love all of them on their part of both spouses. So by using the child as as a weapon against the partner were the previous partner is that you are most of the time repeating a pattern because it happened to

spk_1:   1:51:37
you, of course.

spk_0:   1:51:38
But you're perpetuating that energy, and you're creating that pattern for the next generation, the next generation, the next generation. And so if you really love your Children the way you say you d'oh yeah, is that you don't use them as a tool to Mina Billy, because the manipulation is just the exclusion.

spk_1:   1:52:04
Yeah, of course, but they might know most people don't know that's it. And that's what about the cast.

spk_0:   1:52:10
Some people know and they choose to do it anyway.

spk_1:   1:52:13
But yeah, of course.

spk_0:   1:52:14
But if they

spk_1:   1:52:15
are is a pattern that they've been living correct for many years.

spk_0:   1:52:17
But if they see that that isn't serving and it's not serving anyone, not themselves or their Children or or, um, their previous partners. Then sometimes that awareness comes up until they'll get with a deep meditation on Oprah or something, because there's lots of people who had very, very hard lives. Oprah. You know, LeBron didn't have it easy. There's a lot of athletes, you know, political or rock stars. Or had it difficult, difficult upbringing. What's his name? Um, so I forgot his name. He did a piece on 60 minutes. He sang the song with about, um, Uptown funk.

spk_1:   1:53:11
Oh, a Bruno Mars brood on my cell. Okay, very much

spk_0:   1:53:14
so. Bruno Mars had they did a piece on him on him on 60 minutes. Bruno Mars was homeless. Really? Hey, lived in Hawaii in a destroyed like

spk_1:   1:53:26
like a house of an in house cabin house. But Bruno Mars being alone.

spk_0:   1:53:32
And, um, he lived with his dad, and, um, he tried for think. It was like, 10 years before he got his first hit. He did lounges, and,

spk_1:   1:53:43
like, it was a wedding singer.

spk_0:   1:53:48
And, um um, I I don't I don't remember what happened to his mom, but it showed that, but he had this attitude of no, you know, gratitude you know, And he wasn't a victim.

spk_1:   1:54:05
He wasn't a victim. But but also, he look at what he might not be like most people that are in those situations, how both right. They have extreme success and extreme kind of trauma, right? And you here about most famous artists come and that's their source of where, you know, they're They're they're lyrics are you know, you hear a lot of this stuff that comes from these people that are essentially broken people that are expressing their art in a in a way, and they achieve extreme success but also have extreme loss in those in those problems. What if

spk_0:   1:54:42
they're the example for not the example but the guide for us guide to showing us as possible? Like, you know, a lot of people say that Jesus showed us that we could be compassionate and human

spk_1:   1:54:57
even though,

spk_0:   1:54:58
and and that we have those ways of being the Children of God. Do we choose it or don't we choose it?

spk_1:   1:55:06
Yeah. We always have a choice. You

spk_0:   1:55:09
right? So the same thing with thes people who have these examples off how they could do it. How did they do it. How did they bring themselves out of it? Yeah, And were they in alignment? And they definitely didn't think of themselves as victims.

spk_1:   1:55:30
Yeah, that's, you know, you hear about like Gandhi, right? You know, Gandhi had both extremes. He was He was He was a complex person. Just, you know, there were. They have had both had both scenarios and most people that are just exponentially big on both sides. And they have the ability to be game changers. You know, they can change the how how the perception is, but also have, you know, deep, dark demons that come, come with that, you know,

spk_0:   1:56:01
but not just the the good examples, but also the ones who are terrible perpetrators.

spk_1:   1:56:09
Yeah. Yeah, potential. Right. You have the potential is infinite toe for good and for, you know, evil for for creating and for destruction, Right? Um, yeah, that's you hear that? That that's you know, you was You know, like I always say, you know, talked about this a couple times. Like, what is money, right? It's just a kn amplifier. What? His power is just an amplifier of whatever dynamics you haven't journal, right?

spk_0:   1:56:38
Right. So, money is energy.

spk_1:   1:56:40
Exactly. It's an amplifier of whatever those things are,

spk_0:   1:56:43
and and when you see money is energy and you realize that when you hoard energy, there's no flow. Yeah, so when you share and that's when those situations of compassion comes where you realize you have more than someone else. But you're not judging it and you're not saying I'm better than you you're just saying I'm in a different point of evolution and I'm gonna share my energy, Which is this and my compassion, because ultimately, who are you sharing it with?

spk_1:   1:57:15
Your self exam? Of course. Yeah, it's like you know, when people say resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. That's what you know. This compassion is it's giving yourself a treat or giving somebody else a treat that comes back to you, right? It's like giving somebody else Ah, anak of kindness. That it's a self is a selfish act. Again, it's a selfish act that that comes from this, that if we believe that we are all you know, kind of the name of the podcast Zulu one, because the Zulu tribal Berber calendar and one that we are all one consciousness, right? And so that act of giving to somebody else is an act of giving to yourself. If we believe that we're all one conscious, right? We are all one consciousness.

spk_0:   1:58:00
So that's where the anger is like, Okay, she's something happens. You're angry. You continue to talk about it. The other person goes home, has nice dinner. You don't even care. You have created a physical now, a physical expression in your body. You got adrenaline, cortisol, and you're creating this'll physical chemical reaction in your body that is gonna keep going. When? If you just at yours, not mine.

spk_1:   1:58:31
That's yours and not mine. Yeah, that's and that we're all that that we all come rooms employee, but that's that's that's it. Right?

spk_0:   1:58:42
But see, now that was really good that you remind us that we're here for Zulu one.

spk_1:   1:58:46
Yeah, And the

spk_0:   1:58:46
podcast. So you're you're living a trauma for how many years, Whatever your tour is as as a as a soldier or someone in the military or backup or ah, contractor. And you're seeing terrible things. You're seeing man's inhumanity to man

spk_1:   1:59:09
man's inhumanity, and

spk_0:   1:59:10
you have to lived these things and loss of you know, comrades and your best friends and your people. Because when you go out on that mission, you're not going out with all of humanity.

spk_1:   1:59:27
No. With that group,

spk_0:   1:59:29
you are watching out for the guy next to you or the woman next to you, and that's your group. And when something happens in that,

spk_1:   1:59:36
you're protecting that system

spk_0:   1:59:38
protecting that system. And when something happens in that system, it ripples out all your other system. Yeah. Yeah. So how did you back up from something terrible that happens in your system that you've seen an imprint in your you see? And now you hear, How do you relate what we've been talking about to like? Okay, this is just a no, you know, it's not something You can wrap your head around and say, Why was I here? What? What did this Show me

spk_1:   2:0:12
what this

spk_0:   2:0:12
is doing for me. How did this make me a better person? It didn't. It made me worse because I can't come down, you know, like the movie sniper didn't come off of that, you know?

spk_1:   2:0:23
Yeah. Come, come. We're living the trauma.

spk_0:   2:0:27
So how how do you work? through that system by showing your compassion to another person. Who is that a different A part of their evolution of that trauma? Yeah. Somebody maybe who just came back? Yeah. Yeah. And you share

spk_1:   2:0:45
and you

spk_0:   2:0:45
feel you create a system of healing so that we can all hell and let go. But if you start to look back and you do the Gina Graham in your own family

spk_1:   2:0:57
Yeah. Ah, lot of people be

spk_0:   2:0:59
then you could connect with you, create a system of healing by creating a new group. But then you look at where am I repeating a pattern of my family. Did something happen in World War Two? Did something I've been award one. Um, War of 18. 12. You will find it,

spk_1:   2:1:19
you'll find

spk_0:   2:1:19
you'll find it. Then you can say, maybe it wasn't all you. Yeah, not that you're relinquishing responsibility to someone else or you're saying I'm a victim. But what you're saying is that I love my family so much

spk_1:   2:1:36
that I'm willing to go through this,

spk_0:   2:1:38
that I didn't

spk_1:   2:1:39
say that I belong

spk_0:   2:1:39
here so that I belong in my face.

spk_1:   2:1:41
So I belong in my family,

spk_0:   2:1:43
and that's a big thing to wrap your head

spk_1:   2:1:45
around. Yeah, that's a big thing to wrap your head around,

spk_0:   2:1:48
but, um, like John, like you say, we're here for those people have those questions. They have a way to contact. You can share with them the understanding of how to take the first step because

spk_1:   2:2:03
yes, steps. So I'm so one of the things that that I've set up is Zulu. One podcast at gmail dot com is gonna be a place where you can send questions. So on the podcast in the future, we'll be able to read those questions and kind of answer him from his stomach perspective to say Facebook. Yeah, and there's the Facebook that Julia wanted. And the point of this podcast is to talk. I'm I'm, you know, kind of Ah, knuckle drag Ling dragging top travel Indict that. It's kind of a guide for a guy like me Or, you know, somebody that that's of my ilk, right? I was in the military. I'm an entrepreneur. I'm a father. I'm kind of all these things, right? And stomach work has always kind of been outside traditionally outside of my world, right, because it's, you know, predominantly male and has kind of its intricacies. And so this is a place in a podcast where we can that I'll be able to interview people that are similar to you and of this of this kind of type of work that could be talked about in a place that's that. You know, usually systemic work is talked about and, you know, very, very specific scenarios. So I don't know. It's an opportunity for us to have a conversation from, you know, from my perspective, which is seems, in some cases, a common perspective toe say.

spk_0:   2:3:20
But there's one thing that I want to add that's very, very important when doing the systemic work with the facilitators or anything, Um, these air sacred space and there's a field that's created of no judgment. So no matter what it is that you're sharing, no matter how deep it goes or how painful or how good, there's no judgment you as to what you went through about assisting a facilitation of healing at whatever level.

spk_1:   2:3:54
Oh ah, good point, John Julia. One is, uh, written out so o n e So it zul o n e z u l u o N E podcast at gmail dot com. Great, that's good. John brought up a good point,

spk_0:   2:4:08
but it's most important that everybody understands that there is no judgment.

spk_1:   2:4:15
Yeah, there's no judgment,

spk_0:   2:4:16
and that's totally college actual.

spk_1:   2:4:18
That's such a hard concept for people to understand when and that's the thing. The thing that is most terrifies you about getting in tow. Consolation work is like Are they going to judge me, right? It's like when you come in, you know, like there's no doctors. Well, that's why do you say you have to take

spk_0:   2:4:36
yourself out of the body out of your mind,

spk_1:   2:4:40
out of your mind

spk_0:   2:4:41
and one of the things that we say that's really important when you're a facilitator or even when you're when you're speaking and you're leading a group or whatever you're doing is what they think of me is none of my business. What I think of me is all of my business.

spk_1:   2:4:57
Okay, Yeah, that's a good one.

spk_0:   2:4:59
So if you can say that to yourself a few times, like if you're going to give a speech and your words are they gonna like me, they're not gonna like, just be the facilitator of the information off the modality and don't attach to outcome.

spk_1:   2:5:12
Yeah, that's that's what I'm doing here is like, that was the hardest part for me because I, you know, I go through when I'm I'm talking about, like, what are they gonna think? And I was gonna be the right thing. Like, just get out of your head and just do it because you have to just start. If you start and get the train, you know, out of the station and going, everything will fall into place. Right? And I was like, What is the Brandon gonna be like, What is that? I'm rather like I just kind of wrap myself around, you know, just for out myself around the axle, thinking, What is this gonna be like? I just need This is important. And that's what What? John Jacob told Michelle, you know, she was kind of wrapping herself around. The something is like, your vision is worth it, right? And that's what I told myself was that my vision is worth it, right? It's all the other stuff is loyalty. That's that's perfect, you know, rolling into the system to not be successful and not be put the your information out there and the vision is worth it,

spk_0:   2:6:06
right? But what we want to really make people understand it is that you're never alone and that you don't have to be in pain alone.

spk_1:   2:6:16
You don't have to, but there's

spk_0:   2:6:17
always somebody who can assist you to see a little deeper and to release some of that pain that we know pain. We know the traumatic, the post traumatic stress and and the things some people have seen. Some really atrocious things. Yeah, but if you find the way to healing, yeah, then you can find a way to connecting

spk_1:   2:6:43
and you're not alone. You're not alone.

spk_0:   2:6:45
So then you can start to see the healing of it.

spk_1:   2:6:48
Yeah, you know, And I'd never realized the community in South Florida is. I mean, there's there's a consolation. There's several constellations. A week, a week. Yeah, Thursdays, Sundays coming from all over the country. They're they're happening on a regular. But if you're in Christ

spk_0:   2:7:08
zoom, you do them over the phone and there's there's never a need to be alone.

spk_1:   2:7:17
There's never a need to be alone,

spk_0:   2:7:18
and it's not about

spk_1:   2:7:19
to suffer in silence

spk_0:   2:7:20
right to Southern. And there's and it's not only monetary. Yeah, there's always ways to participate, so that you can work on your healing was always a step I have to do is ask.

spk_1:   2:7:33
All you have to do is ask you.

spk_0:   2:7:35
Ask yourself, Ask your higher self. Ask your consciousness. Ask whoever whatever you believe in the higher power or God or whatever. Show me, show me the way. And the way is shown the ways open. It's just setting the intention, like Abraham says, that the intention and then the universe supports your intention. But you have to have that clear focus of what it is you want.

spk_1:   2:8:00
Yeah, I'm part of a couple of groups for veteran support, and it's just so many people reaching out to say I'm struggling. I'm like, I'm I have s o. There's kind of they've de stigmatized the mental health situation with veterans and they're starting to reach out. But I don't think this isn't a judgment against, You know, the resource is that are out there, but they're just not. It's not something tactical right that you can get going relatively quickly, have some movement, have some support and be immediate, you know,

spk_0:   2:8:37
right? But that's where you and I came in

spk_1:   2:8:39
here. We

spk_0:   2:8:40
decided that we would be available. So if there's anyone who's listening, who wants it? Contact John. We said that we would work with veterans groups, so we're available to at least bring the first step. And, um, I have to do is contact John, whether it's on Facebook or ATT. The Zulu one at gmail dot com

spk_1:   2:9:03
Zillion podcasts, Angela one z u l u o n e podcast Jima bottom.

spk_0:   2:9:12
Right. Um, that we're we are available Thio to assist with, um you know, issues that people I don't need to feel alone and they don't have to suffer, and some of them are very deep. So we're also have the connections. Other resource is so we can assist with at least getting some help that sometimes outside the main

spk_1:   2:9:43
street. Yeah, yeah, that's what the biggest you know, you tell people about consolation like, Oh, so you're a crazy person, you know, But like also, you're insane.

spk_0:   2:9:56
For a country of Brazil has, um, has has brought this in as a national medical treatment in the hospitals and things so in in Europe. It's recognized as a medical modality, Um, and it's getting there in the United States. But yet it's it's trusting what you can't see.

spk_1:   2:10:20
It's trusting. We can see. Yeah, it's really trusting what you can see,

spk_0:   2:10:24
right? Really trusting what you can see. But if you start to look at, just do that exercise of looking at yourself in the mirror and saying the second part that you love yourself just the way you are. Even if you don't believe it, you're going to start that momentum off, accepting you and everything

spk_1:   2:10:44
just the way you are. Yeah, because it's a start of the movement of acceptance. Yeah. Is there an exercise that somebody could do like that that they could start out with? Maybe, you know, start a movement that they could say, or maybe a mental movement, that they can look at their parents and thank them. Or is there something that you can sew and exercise that we could leave with everybody that

spk_0:   2:11:06
so other than like looking in the marriage yourself, you can take a picture if you have a picture of your parents think you put, um, he set up like a little picture of your parents separate one of your mom, one of your dad and one of yourself. And if you're looking at it than the mom is gonna be on the left side that you're looking at, I'm sorry the right side, because you're always looking at she's gonna be behind you on the left cards, so she has to be on the right side, right? And I was gonna be on the left side, but if you turned around, they would be and a little picture of yourself. And if you don't, he could just set up, like 23 candles. But don't burn candles when you're not home. Very careful with candles. It's not, um, it's not something to leave unattended. Yeah, or it could just put, um, rocks or crystals. Um, so to represent the mother, the father in yourself, and so you're in front, so you make it like a triangle. And you, um, on Facebook, we can put up the short little, um, guide. Yeah, where you just say, Mom, Dad, thank you for the life that you gave me. I will walk in my place as the child

spk_1:   2:12:41
That's powerful. Just that just doing that starts a movement.

spk_0:   2:12:44
Just doing that starts a movement because

spk_1:   2:12:46

spk_0:   2:12:46
putting yourself in the place of the child. And if you were standing in as the partner, you're moving yourself back.

spk_1:   2:12:52
And that's even if your dad wasn't in the picture or your mom wasn't in the picture. Just that's even if had no relationship with them whatsoever.

spk_0:   2:13:00
So if you have a new adopted mother, then you put two candles from your mom's two dads and you say thank you for the life that you gave me because nurturing. You know, no matter if they

spk_1:   2:13:12
know you're

spk_0:   2:13:12
doing a good way or a bad way, they still give you life. You're still had

spk_1:   2:13:16
still give you something.

spk_0:   2:13:19
So you always acknowledge the biological parents and you always acknowledge the adoptive parents. Okay, um and if there were foster parents that were like parents, that you were really connected to you in a good way or a bad way you, you There, there, there, there, there. But just acknowledging them. And just, you know, I see you as the people that gave life to me. Yeah, and you just leave it there?

spk_1:   2:13:48
Yeah. The most basic thing is that we all have, You know, both parents, right?

spk_0:   2:13:54
We had to have both because And even if it in, even if it was artificial insemination, this berm came from something.

spk_1:   2:14:03
Yeah, exactly. Somewhere some

spk_0:   2:14:05
person. So even if you don't know them, they're still a genetic bond.

spk_1:   2:14:11
Yeah, there's still a general want. So, yeah, that father, even in people, is like the sperm donor is like, Well, no, you have to write. The father is the father is not firm down. That her father,

spk_0:   2:14:22
because you're not acknowledging the contribution that

spk_1:   2:14:25
you're denying. You're denying half of who you are. Exactly.

spk_0:   2:14:29
Exactly. So that's the important thing. Is it? Yeah, you're right there

spk_1:   2:14:33
dot a sperm donor or not. You are the father, the father, because good, bad, indifferent.

spk_0:   2:14:39
Right. And you don't have to know your parents too energetically connect to them. No, you don't have to love them in the beginning to connect to them. Because what you're doing is you're just connecting to yourself by standing in your place as the child and having them behind. You know, you're standing in your place so that you could be available for your destiny. You don't have to repeat an ancestor's or be living in someone else's destiny. And that's something we didn't touch on. But that's

spk_1:   2:15:08
and you're taking all of your life, force. You're fulfilling all of your life, force. We're not doing that. It's an act of self love. You you're embracing all of you. And that's an act of self love to take all of you. And exactly that's where your life force comes from right now.

spk_0:   2:15:26
Yeah. So, um and you can add, like, in, you know, um, thank you for the life you give me. And I embrace my life. Yeah, I am

spk_1:   2:15:37
President. Yeah, that's over my

spk_0:   2:15:39
life. Because even

spk_1:   2:15:40
if you're not going to embrace

spk_0:   2:15:41
your life But if your present for

spk_1:   2:15:42

spk_0:   2:15:43
life, then you can start the healing because you don't have to be connected just to the trauma because there are good things that happen in your life.

spk_1:   2:15:54
Yeah, that's powerful. Yeah, well, that is two hours. Almost 2.5 hours tours, and that's that's what it is. Well, thank you, Sofia. So much for coming. It was great having you. Thank you for

spk_0:   2:16:08
having me. And I'm getting a chance to share this Yeah, Healing is powerful.

spk_1:   2:16:13
This is powerful work. Yeah, so thank you very much for coming.

spk_0:   2:16:16
And thank you for having me. And, um, you know, just tell everybody where they could contact us

spk_1:   2:16:21
and contact you. So Zulu one podcast and gmail dot com that Zulu z u l u o n e Podcast at gmail dot coms In your questions. Also, we have a Facebook group called Zulu 11 team, one fight. So you can contact with something,

spk_0:   2:16:37
and and if you wanna get in touch with me, get in touch with me through John, um, and he can give you my contact information. We have groups all the time. We know of other people have groups all the time.

spk_1:   2:16:51
You have a Facebook, right? It's the, um you're you want to give out your Facebook? Um, your ancestor.

spk_0:   2:16:59
Oh, yes. Oh, so I have Ah, yes. That would help. I have Ah ah. Website ancestral constellations within s dot net, which has the contact information. A little bio about me and, um also, some of the service is that we do, um, So it's ancestral constellations. Two l's with an s at the end dot net um, but if you need to get in touch with me, you can always get in touch with me through John. But there's different modalities that support constellations as well. But the most important thing for everybody. And that's what I would like to leave this wood is that healing is one step at a time. So just take the first step.

spk_1:   2:17:48
Just take the first stop. Yeah, Yeah. All right. Okay. Thank you, everybody. Thank you.