ZuluOne: Heal the Wounds You Didn't Know You Carried

04. Why Astrology is More Scientific and Spiritual Than You Think | Gahl Sasson

ZuluOne Episode 4

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Our distinguished podcast guest, Gahl Sasson, is an esteemed author, and astrology and mysticism teacher with over two decades of experience in the global circuit. Creator of popular publications like 'A Wish Can Change Your Life' - a book endorsed by the 14th Dalai Lama translated into eight languages, and 'Cosmic Navigator' - a user's guide to understanding astrological makeup, Sasson annually crafts a bestseller focused on astrological predictions for the year. He regularly contributes to significant platforms like Huffington Post, YourTango, Yoga Journal, and Astrology.com, and was titled 'Los Angeles' Best Astrologer' by W Magazine. As a guest lecturer globally in prestigious institutions such as USC, Tel Aviv University, Esalen, and Omega Institute, he's been featured on channels like CNN, ABC News, and KTLA-TV Los Angeles. His academic prowess shines in his paper 'Symbolic Meaning of Names in the Bible', published by the Journal of Storytelling, Self, & Society. Sasson, currently based in Los Angeles, hosts his Cosmic Navigator Astrology Show and continues to elevate astrology education in over 13 countries. Follow his work on www.CosmicNavigator.com and @Cosmic_Navigator on Instagram.

Find more from Gahl:
Cosmic Navigator: https://cosmicnavigator.com
My Book on the Astrology of 2025: https://cosmicnavigator.com/books/the-astrology-of-2025/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosmic_navigator

Workshops in Miami:
— Saturday, Feb 15, 5pm The Astrology of 2025: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-astrology-of-2025-with-gahl-sasson-tickets-1234957865219?aff=oddtdtcreator
— Sunday, Feb 16, 6pm Past Lifetime Regression: https://miamilifecenter.union.site/events/miami-life-center-past-lifetime-regression-the-people-you-were

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the podcast. Today, I'm joined by Gal Sassoon, an authored astrologer with over two decades of experience teaching mysticism around the world. We dive into the hidden truths of astrology, the science behind healing and how ancestral wisdom reveals life's patterns. Gal also shares how he discovered family constellations and why astrology holds more truth than most people realize. If you've ever questioned the deeper forces at play in your life, this episode's for you. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

I didn't expect that, but let me recover.

Speaker 1:

Yes, how was that?

Speaker 2:

it was pretty intense. And uh, it's so funny because I I got to family constellation a little bit late in life, I guess, like maybe two years ago, and it was always a mystery for me why I can't have wine, why I drink red wine. I fall asleep. If I drink white wine, I can't do charts, the why I drink red wine, I fall asleep. If I drink white wine, I can't do charts the day after because I get a headache. And the mystery was even more strong because my sister I'm very close to him and she's in Israel she refuses to have alcohol in the house If there is alcohol in the house, because her son is a great guy. I'm really good friends with him, he's a DJ, so he buys really good tequila, she puts it in the fridge behind everything in like a box that's kind of locked, almost like in jail, and we all laugh about it.

Speaker 2:

But where it came from? And then one day we had a conversation with our grandmother before she died. She's from Poland and Ukraine. Her mother and father had a pub, tur of Tarvin in Ukraine, and they used to put water in the wine because there was a rule that you can't sell wine to the peasants because they don't get up to work. So they blamed all the innkeeper and they forced them to stop doing it. But the peasants want to drink, so they had to put wine and water mix it together. But it's kind of cheating.

Speaker 2:

And then I thought, oh my God, that's our ancestral karma with wine just goes down, we're diluting it with water. And that's when it clicked to me that, yes, there is this ancestral karma that runs through our DNA, through our past lifetimes. I think they're very connected and that was my mission to see how it is coming across in charts, which is very, very interesting, because my feeling is that the family constellation of your it's almost like God sits with you before you're born and you create this family constellation. The sun is the father, the moon is the mother, your Mercury is your brothers and relatives, and you literally sit there with God, creating what you do in a lot of sessions, one-on-one, with the little sticks, and I figured that each one of us does that before we are born, with God, with the entity, with our ancestors, really deciding our chart according to our DNA and past lifetime, which I really believe are all connected.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a really interesting way to look at it. I never looked at it before from that perspective, so I think that's such a cool way to look at things and a lot of people in this work. We all say that we pick our parents before we got here and it's like the lessons that we have to learn in order to ascend, know, get the next level, whatever you want to call, you know that, you know. Version of the simulation, right? So I really agree.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's a, that's an interesting. I really like how you, how you put that. So tell me a little bit about you know, I know you do some ancestral charts and and with astrology, I'm I'm going to give you, I'm going to give you, I'm going to confess something I'm a one trick pony. I know about family constellations, but I don't know much about anything else, right? So I know I was born in June and I know I'm a Gemini, that's pretty much it. So I don't know.

Speaker 2:

That's one of the reasons why you're communicating right now. Gemini is all about being a bridge builder, a connector. So in your case, you're bridging the people to their families. They somehow. Why don't they do it themselves? Well, they need a mediator, they need a connector. You're ruled by Mercury, for example, which is the messenger of the gods. In your case, you're delivering messages with the ancestors, which in some Japanese cultures, are the gods. You know, like the concept of Shinto.

Speaker 2:

For me, I think that I came to understand more family constellation because of necessity, because I really looked a lot into our family In that conversation with my grandmother. I think it was very monumental, because I was there with my sister and I also work a lot with names. I'm very fascinated with the names that run in the family, because names we know from the Bible, we know from in Near East and from anthropology, names carry a lot of meaning. There's always meaning to your name and, oh no, I'm named after my grandmother. Of course, you're named after your grandmother because there is a story, a name that passes down, the generation that needs to be purified, purged. The same with genetics, the same with traits. So we're sitting there. My sister's name is Miri, which is basically Maria, miriam, and my grandmother was telling me yeah, you're named after my own mother, who was named Maria, and she was not a very nice person. Our grandmother is telling us about her mother. She never touched us. Our Ukrainian maid hugged me and touched me. My mother thought that parents should not touch their kids, so she never touched us. Think about it growing up. So when we go out, my sister is saying, oh my God, it's such a terrible thing. I'm named after this evil woman who never touched her children. And I said, wait, wait, wait. Maria is the mother of God. It's considered to be elevated water in Hebrew. You have purified that idea because you are an amazing mother. My sister is an amazing mother. She's a professor and made amazing kids. My best friends are her kids. You took that name, maria, maria, and you purified it. Who knows, maybe you're even Maria from a past lifetime, maybe you were her and you got another chance. You know to work with that genetic material and to fix it. And not only you're much better than our mother, and your daughter is even an amazing mother herself. You really fixed it, and now we don't have to name after anybody Maria's anymore. We've done with it. So I think that that's also something for people to look into.

Speaker 2:

Signs that repeat. You know how you guys do the family tree, which is amazing. You just did it in the meditation. What if you add the signs, just the signs? Oh, wow, okay, each one of them. And what if you add the signs, just the signs of each one of them, and try to see if there is a sign that is repetitive Maybe there's an Aries energy repetitive and then you just Google you don't have to be an astrologer find out what is the characteristic of Aries. Maybe the family is really trying to work with the archetype of Aries, which the keyword is, for example, I am identity. Maybe it's Taurus, which has to do with money. Maybe it's Taurus which has to do with money. Maybe it's Gemini, which has to do with communication. And once you figure out that, you can see from both sides of your family what signs are more, let's say, missing, which is okay. Why is that sign missing? We're not dealing with something, or what is signed repeats, and that's some archetype that we need to work with.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that explains so much about, you know, now I'm I'm seeing it from a completely new perspective because, um, you know, it can almost give the subculture of the, of the family, right. It's like if it's heavily one side influence or the other side influence. And you know, there there is something that people that are like, oh, I'm hardheaded, I'm a Taurus or whatever I don't even know if that's a thing, but you know, I know from the little that I've that, I've that I've read, is that I was like, oh, I'm hardheaded. And you know, they see, the Gemini thing says like, yeah, that's a lot like my personality. My personality is very, you know, communication, I like to connect people, I'm a connector, I'm a very diplomatic room and I'll talk to everybody, you know, and it just really talks about how, depending on your you know birth date, what type of things you take into your family system, and I've always looked at all of these modalities as just an interpretation of a phenomenon that happens in people and social systems, right Do?

Speaker 1:

you see, it from a from a similar perspective, because sometimes it can take like such mystic and woo-woo, like stuff that you're like it. Just this is like an interpretation of a technology that already exists of course I'm very practical.

Speaker 2:

People ask me what astrology book are you reading now? And I'm saying a news, because if I really want to understand astrology, I have to look at what's happening as above, so below, below, how the planet's position is correlating to stories that's happening now. The news of today is basically the history of tomorrow, so definitely that's part of it. And in astrology we look at families as cancer. The archetype of cancer is families. I mean, there's a reason why the great psychologist Jung was an astrologer and he brought from astrology synchronicities. He brought from astrology the archetypes. And cancer in astrology is family, of course, but it's at the bottom of your chart. It's called the foundation of your chart. So if you look at the round chart, the bottom of your chart is your family, it's your roots. Everything comes from there and cancer is defined as anything you cannot pick up. Astrology is fascinating. I think astrology is a philosophy. What does that mean? You can't pick up your home Okay, it's cancer. You can't pick up land? Okay, that's cancer. You can pick up the mic? Okay, that's Taurus, because you can pick it up. It's a thing that you can pick up.

Speaker 2:

And for me, I took it one level higher because just before you guys, I did a chart here in Istanbul and she complained about sisters. I said, okay, wait, family is immovable objects. You cannot move your brother, your sister, your mother, that's it. You have those genes, you have this DNA. You cannot move them. You can work within the range, you cannot talk to her, but she can never stop being your brother or sister. People who say I disown my son that's nonsense. You can't disown your son. That's ridiculous. I'm not talking about emotionally, but even logically. Your genes are there with him. Everywhere he goes, you're with him. You guys know it. That's what we just did, the meditation. Everywhere you go, my ancestors are there hanging out. So that's so beautiful about family constellation and why I found it so powerful to work with astrology because it deals with these immovable issues. You can divorce your wife Okay, that's Libra. Libra is a relationship but you cannot divorce your son. You cannot divorce your father. You cannot divorce your grandparents Okay, that's Libra. Libra is a relationship.

Speaker 2:

But, you cannot divorce your son, you cannot divorce your father, you cannot divorce your grandparents. That's it. You're stuck with them. It's immovable, and the only thing that's left is to heal it, which is precisely family constellation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and even when you have kids with your spouse and even if you divorce, you're still energetically tied to them, in some way connected. And even if you spent a lot of time with somebody, there's an exchange that happens and they take up. You know they, they hold a piece of your soul and you hold a piece of their soul and there's when there's a strong relationship, that definitely happens.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I definitely see the correlation between between the two worlds. So how did you? How did you get into this? Like, what was the where? Is this something that you were interested in since you were born, or is this something that you, as you kind of matured, got into this? How did that happen? What was that journey like?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

The astrology was kind of funny because I studied psychology okay and then I was supposed to do my master's and I was supposed to get the like a recommendation from this professor that knew me very well, because it was very hard to get to know professors personally because I have the scores. I had everything I needed. I just needed his letter of recommendation. And when I came to get it, very sure of myself, he said I'm not going to give it to you and I'm going to make sure you're not going to get into the master's degree because you're going to be a problem to the system. I said what do you mean? He said either you're going to constantly fight with us, because he kind of knew me, or we're going to destroy your creativity. And at that time I hated him, even though he was a genius. I mean, he was absolutely right, to be honest.

Speaker 2:

I got home so completely depressed and thought, oh my God, my whole world of being a psychotherapist was destroyed. And then I get a phone call, like it always happens, and it's my cancer friend, funny enough, and he's a surfer and he says hey, we're going to go to Mexico to surf. Are you coming? I said what are you talking about coming? I just heard that it's terrible news. I'm not going to be getting into my master's blah blah. And then in my head we talked about name. I said my name Gal in Hebrew means a wave. This guy is suddenly out of the blue asking me to go to Mexico to learn how to surf, basically to learn how to deal with myself, and I was blocked there. Why am I so stubborn? And I said, okay, I'm coming. And I went to Mexico.

Speaker 2:

After two weeks of surfing I went to Guadalajara expecting to fly back, and crazy synchronicities happen. It's too long to explain, but the next thing I know I'm in Guadalajara. I don't speak Spanish, but I was adopted by a family there. I had a rock band and the guitar player of the rock band brought me to astrology. And the next thing, you know, I'm studying astrology in Spanish, even though I don't tarot. And then I decided it's time to go to Los Angeles and I had a friend there from the army. So I went there and one thing led to the other published one book, second book.

Speaker 1:

And here I am, wow, wow, hi, I'm John Zulu. One is more than just a podcast. It's a mission to bring healing to families and communities. By becoming a supporter on Buzzsprout, you make this mission possible. Click the link in the description and join us, and thank you so much for being here. So you know, I'm always fascinated by this concept is that, you know, you see things repeat themselves in different things, right, you see?

Speaker 1:

patterns in many of the great religions. You see these patterns right and Family Constellations in so many ways is about pattern recognition and I think astrology in some way creates that archetype, those archetypes right that they do create.

Speaker 1:

You know how you see somebody and it's like they have these things and it's like, is it the cosmos having effect on people when they where they're born and how they exit the the world and do? Do we need these 12 you know different archetypes right to be able to look at things? The 12 apostles, you know, like, why these patterns all emerge in some, in some way. So what are some of the synchronicities and stuff that you've seen that emerge from this, from this framework?

Speaker 2:

you know, I think that astrology is all about the connection between as above so below. Whatever is happening up there is happening also below here. Whatever is happening in your family constellation is also happening inside of you. That's as above so below, as within, so without, it's the same thing. So, for example, you have the moon. The moon comes every 29 days back to where she was before starting something new. So, for example, in all my books every year I publish a book on the year ahead I give the list of the new moon so people can use that instead of being used by it and saying use the moon in order to start something new every month and work on yourself.

Speaker 2:

So, instead of my philosophy with, astrology is not like what's going to happen you know I'm going to read about my son it's like no, this is happening, what do you want to do about it? That's what I always tell people. Astrology is not about what's going to happen in the future. Astrology traces the patterns and orbits of the planets as they were in the past, getting the understanding of what they mean to keep you, like a map to know where you are, like Google map, where you are now and what you want to do is up to you. So my feeling in astrology is that it's the connection or the balance between free will and fate. Fate is your chart. You can't change your chart. You were born at a certain time at a certain place, that's it. Same thing with your parents. You can't change your parents, that's it. But how is going to be your relationship? Well, that's up to you. But she's very nasty to me. Okay, that's up to you, but she's very nasty to me. Okay, go to therapy, ask her to go to therapy, change your attitude, accept her and eventually the relationship could improve, you know. So the same thing with the planets. The planets are like the DNA you can't change it. But your reaction to life, how you accept life, how you work with your range of DNA, your range with the genes, is basically how you can work with the planet.

Speaker 2:

The best example, because people always battle with it if my chart is written a certain way, it's like the Sufi say it's maktub, it's written. It's an Arabic maktub, it's written. That's it, it's written. No, you still have a way to read it. Think about it. You have Shakespeare, Hamlet. We all know that. It's destined, that Hamlet is certainly.

Speaker 2:

I think it's the third act will stop and say to be or not to be. We wait for it. But what would be the difference between somebody who gets an Oscar about Hamlet or somebody who's booed out of the stage? It's the same script. It's written, it's the same DNA. The choices he makes, how he declares, how he talks about it. That's going to make the difference. And that's precisely even what Family Constellation says.

Speaker 2:

You are stuck with the script of your family, but you can read it differently, you can act it differently. I mean, you guys are literally directors. You put your mother in one place, you put your father in another place. And, by the way, I found it very interesting that it sometimes correlates to where the sun and the moon is in the chart, even the way they face each other, or if the sun and the moon are squaring, meaning that they're not getting along. It's like the father and mother are not looking at each other. It's fascinating to see it, because that's why I think that it's not. He didn't name it family constellation for no reason. I mean it's a constellation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I love that. The fact is, like you know, I was having a we were doing a family constellation last week and we were talking about where the name constellations came from and it's you know, we are celestial beings, right, and we can look at ourselves as celestial beings, and that we are gravitational forces, have effect on different members of our family, right, that we're all circling each other in some way and that may be a closer orbit or farther away and there may be some collisions in that. And to really understand it, that we have gravitational pulls in our system and that we can adapt to that. And I really liked how you put it.

Speaker 1:

You know, it's like the script is the same, it's how you interpret it, right, and that happens in scripture, right, in biblical texts or in religious texts. It happens like how you, how you interpret it and you know the information that's, that's several layers below, and you can read the same book over and over and over again, and then it gets deeper and then deeper and then deeper. And the same thing I think with with this modality as well, as like you can interpret so much information from this, and we're all uncovering these subconscious patterns, right, and you know I, I love the what you said about fate. You know it's like you, um, like leaving it up to fate is a victim position right, and being like how you can adjust, how can you adapt to fate, is a is a victor position right, that you can say precisely I can't move, I can't change the wind, but I can adjust my sails yeah, yeah, and that's I mean, that's the beauty of it.

Speaker 2:

We get free will within the context of fate and instead of arguing is it only fate, is it only free will, I mean, why argue so much it?

Speaker 1:

you know, it's like the back of the newspaper you know and I don't mean to minimize it at all, but you know the horoscope, like what's your horoscope for this month? It's, you know the blurb and it's just like very vague. But somebody that wants to take this a little bit more serious to, like you said, I love the way how you look at it is that it's like a map of kind of what the future terrain is going to look like, right, it's like so you can adjust and you can be like I'm going to be really risky this quarter coming up, or I'm going to take it easy, or you know you can adjust your risk tolerance, right. So somebody that's getting into this, what would you recommend that to be?

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't vibe so much with the columns because I think they're very superficial and I think they don't work so much. And I actually know a few of the people that write to major newspapers, and some of them are clients of mine and they don't even do so much astrology, they're just very good at writing, you know. So I don't think that that works so much. Um, what I do, for example, with my astrology books every year and that's why they're very thick is that I first part I try to explain certain things about astrologies that I discover, even that I think about during the year. So one way of looking at it is getting books that talk about astrology in general. One book that I really recommend, especially to husbands of wives that like astrology and don't understand what is she doing with that, is Fated Skies Fated.

Speaker 1:

Skies, fated Skies, okay yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's a historian in Columbia University that says you know, I'm not going to tell if astrology works or not, I'm just as a historian, look at what, historically, astrologers have said and what happened after that. Because you can do that, you know. Yeah, historically, astrologers have said and what happened after that. Because you can do that, you know. Yeah. For example, he talks about the british merlin. I mean, merlin was british, I don't know why he called him the british merlin.

Speaker 2:

Um william lilly, who's in 19, 13 years before the great fire in london that was 1666, predicted that 80 of london would be burned. He said precisely where. When the fire did happen, 13 years later, they arrested him because they thought there's no way he's good and known unless he started it. And they kept him in jail until they found out that it was some cook who left it in an attic the stove that burned London. And he then gives another story, which is really funny, about how, in the 12th century, the great astrologers I think from Baghdad said that there's going to be a crazy storm starting from Mongolia, reaching all the way to Vienna. He specifically said the date of time when it's going to happen. Nothing happened and everybody was really upset. Either astrology works or this astrologer lost it. Then it turned out to be that Genghis Khan was born at that time in that place, and his grandson went all the way to Vienna. A storm of dust.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. So I find it fascinating because I love history and I don't think you can study history without I mean astrology without loving history. And you see it a lot of time I tell people listen, for example, there was a client that just reached out to me a few weeks ago from the fires in LA and she says I can't believe it, my house was lost and you told me that I should look for a new house. I wish I knew that. I mean I couldn't tell that her house would burn. But in her case Jupiter moved into the house of home. I said, listen, it's going to be a good time to buy another property someplace else. I didn't tell her it's going to be burned, because sometimes life the one is way more creative than any astrologer. And when people ask me if astrology is a science, I said no, because we cannot prove it scientifically. But it's a poem, it's a poetry, basically, and poetry can be interpreted, like you said, with a revelation, in many different ways, different layers, but it is a poetic study. So I think that working with astrology nowadays you have a lot of these apps that you can download and it gives you interpretation. So working with that I don't think you can do it through the columns.

Speaker 2:

You know and I happen to be coming to Miami to teach a class on the context of history of the past, where people understand that it's not about prediction. For example, in my book of 2020, I said listen, guys, the patterns that we have in 2020 are similar to 1983, 84, where there was a recession and the AIDS pandemic happened, and I even said that WHO was created. I didn't know that there's going to be another pandemic, but I said this is a pattern that repeats itself, so we're going to have some kind of. I didn't know that there's going to be another pandemic, but I said this is a pattern that repeats itself, so we're going to have some kind of. I didn't know that people are going to be locked up in homes, you know, but if you look at history, you can see patterns that repeat. So same thing for 2025,.

Speaker 2:

We have certain patterns that repeat from the past and that's why I call this year the year of shedding and pain and suffering. I didn't know that we're going to be burned right in the beginning. In Turkey, people burned. In LA, people burned. I mean, look at what's happening around the world. There's so much suffering, so much confusion. That's part of the year.

Speaker 1:

So we can see that through patterns, no-transcript you're in a relationship is either abusive or abused, right that that abuse repeats itself in the pattern. It's not exactly like the woman was abusing the man or whatever that looks like, or their children or or whatever, but it does rhyme in so many ways and I love that kind of interpretation of it. It's like you can say, hey, it's not going to tell you exactly what's going to happen, because that would be predicting the future, right, but you can give some signs and things to be aware of what's going to happen. And so, yeah, I love that perspective on that perspective on it. And so, like, if people, what do you say that people that are relatively skeptical about, about astrology, is that you know, I know that you, you, you just talked about that book and I'm like, oh, that's that, for for me, resonates a lot and I'm I'm not skeptical, I'm agnostic.

Speaker 1:

You know, if Sophie, right, our friend Sophie says she's like, hey, this is what's going on, this is what you got to be careful with, I'm like, okay, I'll be careful, you know, like, I'll listen, I'll, you know, I don't have. You know, she's guided me so well and other things in my life that? This is another thing that I just listened to, right? So if somebody is relatively skeptical, what would you? What would you say?

Speaker 2:

You know, I think that the most important thing is to see if this is a technology that works, the same way that there's a lot of people that are skeptical about what do you mean? That this person represents somebody that I know? How does that work? This field, this knowing field, I don't get it. So I read books about it and how you know quantum technology, I mean there's maybe a quantum entanglement, et cetera, maybe, but my feeling is this first of all, as Jung described it, astrology is a symbolic system of oneness, meaning that it's trying to take the one and give you tools to understand the one, because everything is part of the one. I believe wholly that everything is connected, that if we go back in time, even 13.8 billion years ago, we get to the Big Bang, where everybody were together in this infinitely small, infinitely hot, and then it expanded and all of us cooled in a different way, but we're all from that same place. So even mystics agree. So astrology is trying to understand our environment, our celestial environment, and for me, you know, with skeptics I always say test it. You know you have. For example, march is going to be a very intense time. March is going to be intense because we're going to have a planet called Venus going retrograde. We have Mercury. It's also going to be retrograde. There's eclipses Check to see what it is, for example, like four or five months ago. Because I'm from Israel, I'm very involved in what happened with the hostages and what's happening with the terrible situation in Gaza. So I told people in March or even before, hey guys, and I put it on Instagram so I can show it to people. When Mars is retrograde, I think there is a chance in Cancer, there's a chance that the hostages will come back and that there will be ceasefire in Gaza so that the Gazan can come back to their homes. Because Mars retrograde going back. Mars is the soldier in cancer home and family. Mars hates being in cancer. Mars doesn't want to be at home, he wants to be in the battlefield. So I called him the fallen soldier and then I thought wait, fallen soldiers, hostages. I think they're going to come back. Then, and it was after a year plus that people are saying it's going to come. No, soon, going to come soon. In May they said there's going to be a deal. In September they say it's going to be a deal. And in January 5 or 6, Mars started going retrograde in Cancer and a week after they started coming back, and hopefully they're still coming back, and now the people are coming back to Gaza as well. So you can see these kinds of things happening. It's just us being able to interpret the signs. The signs are there the same way that the family is there. But a good practitioner can fix the family, can make the representation work. So with skepticism, I think that everybody needs a certain amount of skepticism.

Speaker 2:

I will call skepticism the little f. When I studied physics. Little f, if you remember, it's friction and the reason why there is friction. So I'm doing like this, I'm getting excited. If there was no friction to my chair I would be flying into your computer. So friction is necessary. I mean, yes, the chair is heavy, so I'm to move it now. It's annoying, without that I'll be flying all over the place. Skepticism is important. Without skepticism there is no healing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that. I love that. I really like how you put it and I really like your practical approach to this technology right, it's like another interpretation system and another technology. It's like it really puts it, it in, you know, uh, I think, an audience that hasn't really been been, you know, exposed to this right, because, you know, I remember growing up it's like it would be like 11, 30 at night and tv would be go on and some, some person with like very flamboyant you know, and be like oh you know the the future is going to look like and it was.

Speaker 1:

I grew up in venezuela, so you know it'd be like 11, 45 at night and you'd have like this guy you know the future is going to look like and it was. I grew up in Venezuela, so you know it'd be like 1145 at night and you'd have, like this guy that you know is predicting the future and like, okay, but this is such a like, a such a nuanced take on it and it's so practical that it really really resonates with with that side of me.

Speaker 2:

You know, in my book Cosmic Navigator, the first book I wrote on astrology, I mentioned that there is no proof to astrology. It's like maybe shooting myself in the leg. There is no proof. Anybody says proof, it's nonsense. There is no proof, except the proof that works for me, which I believe in, is the proof of evolution. What does that mean?

Speaker 2:

Astrology started in Babylon a long time ago, in Sumeria, sorry. And then in Babylon it was really developed. Then the Greek took it and made it even bigger. Okay, astrology has never been part of the mainstream. It's not like the Pope that forced everybody to convert to Christianity or Islam, that conquered ground and make everybody. It never was in the mainstream, so people didn't have to do it. And you had a Babylonian astrologer telling the king don't attack now, attack in two days and attack from this side. If it didn't work for that king, the astrology would have died and the knowledge with him.

Speaker 2:

So the reason why astrology is here is because over the year it survived and corrected itself, like ai. Every time you get that hallucination from ai, you try to correct it so it doesn't do that. Same answer again. Same thing with astrology. You told me mars in aries is this? It's not true. Okay, okay, I'm correcting it. Doesn't do that. Same answer again. Same thing with astrology. You told me Mars in Aries is this. It's not true, okay, okay, I'm correcting it. Don't kill me.

Speaker 2:

And that's how it evolved. Because it evolved, because it worked. And that's why people risk themselves in order to work with astrology, because a lot of time it was against the mainstream. So I always tell people the only proof that worked for astrology is because it actually worked. I know it for myself. People come every six months or a year because what I told them helped them and made sense to them and avoided problems for them.

Speaker 2:

And one of the other proofs that I have for astrology, which I think is the birth of astrology, is, if you think about it, a long time ago, when we just started walking on two, the pelvis changed. Women had to give birth. It was much harder. A lot of women died giving birth at that time and it was very dangerous to have sex with the caveman because you can get pregnant and kill your die. So a clever woman had I'm sure it was a woman had to figure out that there is a cosmic lock out there and, according to the moon, she can decide when to have sex with the caveman and not get pregnant. And that's when astrology was born, because the woman connected the moon to her cycle and then she probably told her friends that's the birth of astrology. So the birth of astrology came out of the need of women to survive pregnancy.

Speaker 1:

So it's almost a symbiotic relationship with ebbs and flows of the cosmos.

Speaker 2:

Precisely it's linking yourself and sinking to because of there are, like you said, we're stardust, that's what we are. We made of stardust where that's, that's, that's our material here stardust, yeah. So of course, the stars that are made of stardust and we are part of it are connected.

Speaker 1:

We just have to figure out the language yeah, and there's, there's always been mystics, right, there's always been like the sufism or kabbalah, or you know the merlin. There's always been these mystics that have been able to interpret. You know the shells or the, you know whatever, the, you know the chicken bones or whatever. The thing is that interpreting you know the ebb and flow and, like I said a little bit ago, is like the ebb and flow of the cosmos, is like how to understand and how to in some way in constellations, time and place are irrelevant. You're interpreting a different, the connected morphic field or whatever.

Speaker 1:

And that you can use this technology to do the same thing right, to look at it from a different perspective, and it may be the same effect that's happening that you know, as facilitators, we do in the field, right in the family system, but in a much, much larger, grander scale, that can have the patterns of what the next eras are going to look like and the next time lapses are going to look like. So I, I'm this has really sparked my. This conversation has really sparked my interest in this, because I've, I've, traditionally, I'm going to be, I'm going to, you know, be very transparent, like I traditionally didn't have a like I don't know, you know, it's like it was very yeah, sure, this is what I am, but it gives this is like a renewed perspective on what that does, just looking at as another technology, and very practical, you know you know, for example, pluto, the lord of death and transformation.

Speaker 2:

Okay, pluto represents, in the family constellation of the zodiac, death and transformation. Pluto hades the underworld, but also means riches and it moved once in 250 years into aquarius and it just happened now in November of last year. But it was on and off because it's a slow planet from 2023. Anyway, I look to see what happened last time Pluto was in Aquarius and, lo and behold, it was the French revolution and Aquarius is all about freedom, equality. So the first time, last time Pluto was there, that Aquarius is also about technology. It was the industrial revolution.

Speaker 2:

Aquarius is all about democracy. The american constitution was written and what is the first word? We, the people. That's precisely aquarius. That's why I could tell that next time pluto is coming to aquarius, which is now ai will be very important because that's technology. Democracy will be re-evaluated and look at what's happening around the world. You know, diplomacy is almost like having an autoimmune disorder, democracy eating itself in a sense, because democracy was very good against dictators, against fascism, against monarchs, but it can't be good against itself. So pluto in aquarius is kind of like messing around with that archetype of democracy and governments and technology innovation. And that's for the next 20 years.

Speaker 2:

But we know what's going to happen in the future, based on what happened in the past and that's what I kept warning, even in my book last year Israel, because I went back 250 years, 250 years, 250 years and then I saw that many, many times ago, when Pluto was in Aquarius, it's when the Roman destroyed the temple in Israel. It wasn't even the Romans, it was the Jews that burned it, but never mind, it was the destruction of the second temple. And that's why I warn people that listen, you have to really be careful about what's going on with the Middle East, because last time it happened, the whole project was destroyed, so be careful. Okay, it's not inevitable. You destroyed, so be careful. Okay, it's not inevitable. You still have free will. You still can listen to the signs. It's the same thing.

Speaker 2:

For example, every time you have a birthday, you have what is called a solar return. The sun returns back to the place it was when you were born. That's your birthday. It's a very difficult time. It's not a happy time. It's a difficult time, regardless of your age. Don't tell me, because you get older, older. Even kids in their birthday get disappointed and they get, uh, wrapped up about what you brought, what you didn't bring me, blah blah. It's a tough day. That's why we celebrate birthday, because the old ancestors, our ancestors, realized okay, every time there's a birthday it's really tough, let's celebrate it, let's give them gift, let them treat them special because it's such a hard day. That's how it works.

Speaker 1:

Wow, well, that's such a cool perspective. That brings a lot up for me just to understand a whole different level of what we are. One of the things I wanted to ask you as this comes up is that I have this thought is you know, like, the more that we work on ourselves, the more effects that we'll have on our family, and that more of the family will have effect on social structure, right, and then countries, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera? And do you see this as do you see using this technology and the interpretation of this technology as a way that we could say, hey, there's going to be a tough time to come up, focus on healing during this next time, or this is going to be an optimal time to rebuild and this is going to be an optimal time to re-evaluate this social contract, or focus on technology, and that you could actually govern your life with this kind of compass?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I think that that's what the planets are. They're like markers of time. You know, with the zeitgeist, the idea of zeitgeist in Germany is basically the spirit of the time. So, yeah, there is, let's say, one client that I can tell them listen, your north node, whatever is in your House of Relationship, I want you to focus on relationship, less about yourself. Don't be so self-centered, be another person. I could say listen, your North Node now is marking that you need to focus on your relationship, not on yourself or on yourself, and not in relationship or your career, because things are shifting and changing. So that's the beautiful thing about the chart. You have your chart that you're born with, but the planets are continuing to move and they're continuing to tell stories and they move around your chart and that's why things are changing. You know, people tell me I recently meet a lot of cancers. Well, probably in your chart there is a house, an area in your life ruled by cancer and that house is now beaming. Maybe it's the house of career and all these cancers are trying to shine the career in you. And that's what I said to you in the beginning.

Speaker 2:

I really think that astrology is a system of psychology philosophy, because the premise of astrology is really beautiful. It says there is 12 drawers, 12 files, and you have to take everything in life and decide each one of them, which will they fit in which drawer? So, for example, like I said, astrology is ruled by Aquarius. Aquarius is also the future, aquarius is technology, aquarius is community, aquarius is altruism and Aquarius is humanity. So, according to astrology, humanity is altruistic DNA, because it helps us, you know. Or, for example, gemini Gemini is communication, but it's also siblings, of course because, if you have siblings, you really learn to communicate with them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, as parents is this kind of communication. Siblings is more this kind of communication, but it's also roommates. Oh well, if you have a roommate it's like a brother and a sister, because your brother and sister might've been in the same room with you, you know. So it's really beautiful how, like we said, even cancer is immovable. Object land, but also families. So that's why it forces you to kind of look at life with different, these 12 colors and different frequencies, and to really understand life through that lens. That's why I call it a system of uh um?

Speaker 1:

philosophy yeah, I, I, I like that. My sister's a gemini as well, so it's like you know, and I'm two years older and she like to the date like 23, like 23 months and like three weeks and we're almost, you know, we're a week, a week apart and we're very similar, you know, and, and our temperament and how we, so that's, that's a really cool she's like your twin yeah, she's like my twin exactly.

Speaker 1:

She's a twin that's two years younger. A really cool. She's like your twin. Yeah, she's like my twin Exactly. She's a twin that's two years younger than I am. Yeah, so how did you, how did you come across Family Constellations and what was? What was the first impressions?

Speaker 2:

Well, I was in Bulgaria, which I'm going in two days and we're doing some workshops there as well and, um, I met a very good friend that actually brought me to Bulgaria. To begin with, I met her in Istanbul and my brother is from Bulgaria, so I saw her sitting with my brother, my father, who came to visit me, and talking to her in Bulgarian. The next thing I know, she took my book on Kabbalah and translated it there Elitza Velikova she's called, and we became really, really good friends. She's also an Aries, I'm an Aries. We came like like twins in our way, and then she got really into family constellation a while ago.

Speaker 2:

She studied for a while after being a therapist uh for, uh for a while and then we thought it would be fun, after so many years of knowing each other actually, 19 years of knowing each other to maybe do some workshops together and I didn't know how. So she gave me a bunch of books to read about family constellation and I got really into it and I started reading a lot about ancestral karma, because it suddenly brought a lot of truth to me. I can't pretend, you know, it's not like research. Okay, now I have to read about it. It's like I'm getting. I'm getting really sucked into it and I read amazing books about it. Usually, a good book means that I can cry, not because it's sad, but because it touches me in a certain way and causes me to have a physical reaction, and a lot of these books made it.

Speaker 2:

And then when I'm reading these books, because I have that ideas of astrology, I can immediately see how astrology works with it. Oops, he says a pattern that happens every 30 years Saturn takes 29 and a half years to go around the sun. It's a Saturn issue. Oops, he had it at the age of 19. 19 is the nodal return. So even between reading the books about solar family constellation, I realized how much astrology is inside.

Speaker 2:

So we started doing these workshops where there is working on representation of the sun and the moon instead of father and mother, because sometimes people are too attached emotionally to the father and mother but we can kind of bypass it through. No, we're talking about your sun and your moon. Your moon is here, your sun is there, okay. Now when we get deeper into it, we get more involved into the energy of your father and mother, or we start talking about Mars and Venus in order to understand patterns in constellation that have to do with your relationship. So that's how I got into it and, yeah, that's what we're going into in two days in Plovdiv and in Sofia, we're doing a workshop on Saturn, which is fear.

Speaker 2:

Trying to get that fear energy with family constellation. Maybe to find a representative of your Saturn, which is fear. Trying to get that fear energy with family constellation. Maybe to find a representative of your Saturn, of what you're afraid of, what you really are scared of. You know, and we're experimenting. Those people are very open in Bulgaria and maybe in Sofia, because it's called the city of wisdom, and we bring that from there. We started spreading it. We did some workshops in Chicago as well last year. But it's fascinating to see the combination, because I tried to Google online first to see, okay, who's doing family constellation astrology? Maybe I can check to see. I couldn't find anything, so I decided, okay, we have to develop it slowly.

Speaker 1:

That's such a cool aspect of it. You know, it's like family constellations come in many shapes and sizes, right there's shamanic, and you know, with horses and structural constellations, atomic constellations, and you know, I I think I never thought of it and I'm like this makes all the sense in the world now that you know and and and your explanation is so good that and you have such a a profound grasp of of of the concepts you know and I think, being a military veteran, you know yourself and I'm a veteran myself, so you know just the practicality of coming to spirituality from a practical masculine sense is such a I think it's such a gift, you know. So, and putting this together, I'm just fascinated by, by this and I want to read your books and I want to really learn more about this. When are you coming to South Florida?

Speaker 2:

I'm coming there on the 14th on Valentine's. It's very symbolic my first time in Miami on Valentine's. I guess I had my Valentine's in Miami in a past lifetime and I'm going to be teaching with the Miami Life Center. It's a yoga place where we're going to do on the 15th about astrology and on the 16th we're going to do a past lifetime regression, because I work a lot with past lifetimes. I find it fascinating, oh, really.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to do it and that's going to be on the 16th. The 16th, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

And how long are you going to be in South Florida? For 14 to 17. Okay, and then back to LA, because it's been. I was just now in Dubai, and before that I was in London and in Milano, so I travel a lot. I have Sagittarius in the house of career, which means traveling.

Speaker 1:

And so if, um, if people wanted to get ahold of you, if they wanted to to to follow you on your, on your on this journey, and I would imagine that you have a pretty active Instagram how do people get ahold of you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cosmic underscore navigator is my Instagram and cosmicnavigatorcom is my website and they have everything there. There's a lot of free things on my website because I believe astrology again is Aquarius, Aquarius is internet and Aquarius is freedom. So I believe that on your website you should have free things for people so they can check out the things that I'm going to do some readings like private readings there. All right, Beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful Gal. I think I hope this is the first of many conversations on constellations and astrology. I'm really excited about what this future is going to look like. It's really, really beautiful. I know Sophie was like you need to talk to God. I'm like, all right, all right, all right. So you know we had this conversation and I'm so glad we did because it's fascinating my mind's, like you know, my mind's going a million miles an hour. So I'm going to definitely follow you and I'm very excited about what the future holds.

Speaker 2:

Well, thanks a lot and thanks for giving us this beautiful platform. And you know, john, john, the meaning of name John is actually from Hebrew, yohanan, and it means God's mercy or God's compassion. Which is interesting because I'm just thinking about it now, sorry is that cancer is associated with St John, because cancer is the first water sign. What was john? He was the baptist. You know, I baptize you with water. The one after me, the true one, will baptize you with fire, etc. So the first day of cancer, which is the solstice, is the day of baptism and your job is to focus on family cancer constellation, even though your gemini belonged to the sign before, because the solstice is right between gemini cancer. That's the borderline between I think, which is Gemini, to I feel, which is water. So it's interesting that you were called John. Again, I believe you named yourself and just whispered it to your mother.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my second name is Andrew Andres. It's in Spanish, so it's Andrew is andres is the human.

Speaker 2:

So it's also fascinating, because you need to remind yourself that you're human, that you're not alien, that you're not an angel, angel you're not a spirit, you're a human. So remember baptizing humans. And acosta, costa is uh, to the, to the shore, to yeah to the coast. Well, I rest my case. You're not baptizing in rivers, you prefer to baptize people in the sea.

Speaker 1:

In the ocean, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Andale, a la Costa. That was beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, carl, thank you so much. This has been awesome. I can't wait for our next conversation, man. Hopefully we can do a lot more of these, so I'm fascinated by your journey and how you developed this and, of course, you're a guest.

Speaker 2:

If you want to come to any of the classes or anything, you're more than welcome. Just let me know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd love to and I'd love to connect while here in Miami.

Speaker 2:

So I'll come see you and take you out to lunch and we'll connect. I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Thank you so much. Thanks a lot. Thanks for tuning in to the Zulu One podcast. If you found value in today's podcast, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe. Your support means everything to us and thank you for being part of this journey.

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